GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared

GXT Interview - Brooks Marshall Pt 2 GXT-I-EP08A

GenXTalkin Season 2022 Episode 25

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In this week’s episode, I have the highest privilege of interviewing my dad, Brooks Marshall.  This is the second episode of the total of 2.  What we did is we sat down with a couple of Mics and just talked…  For hours.  With so much great info we decided to put it into two episodes.  The first was released mid-January.

Now, If you ever get the chance to do this with your own parents, one-on-one, take it!  It may surprise you what you learn.  And you never know when they might not be there at all.

Some of the items discussed in this episode… 

-        Being prepared and NOT being prepared.  

-        How to deal with skunks (the animal kind and the human kind).

-        We talk drones and being happy with where you live.

-        And we finish up with some very special Parting Shots!

Hope you enjoy it.

Tulsa in the 50s – Americas Most Beautiful City,_Oklahoma

Ventura CA in the 60s

Norton Sound Naval Ship

Naval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme

Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared

Hello audio only listeners.  Some quick dynamic content before the show…   

In this week’s episode, I have the highest privilege of interviewing my dad, Brooks Marshall.  This is the second episode of the total of 2.  What we did is we sat down with a couple of Mics and just talked…  For hours.  With so much great info we decided to put it into two episodes.  The first was released mid-January. 

Now, If you ever get the chance to do this with your own parents, one-on-one, take it!  It may surprise you what you learn.  And you never know when they might not be there at all. 

Some of the items discussed in this episode…  

  • Being prepared and NOT being prepared.   
  • How to deal with skunks (the animal kind and the human kind). 
  • We talk drones and being happy with where you live. 
  • And we finish up with some very special Parting Shots! 

Hope you enjoy it. 


Well, hello and welcome back to another great episode of Genex talking on being prepared adds on a special mission today, so he's not available. 

Couldn't join. 

Again, so in his stead we have a very special guest today, Mr. 

Brooks Marshall hey pop. 

Welcome to the Show  

thank you very much. 

I would really like to mention one thing about being prepared and my primary guideline is something that I live through. 

Most of my younger years, and that was the Group of Boy Scout pledges that be prepared, starts there and it winds up with the whole list of things that a Boy Scout should be trustworthy, brave, clean. 

Reverent and all in on and each one can be expanded to guide a younger person throughout their life. 

Being prepared means that no matter what you're doing, Are you ready for whatever is coming around the corner? 

There will be some not so prepared times, along with times that I was incredibly grateful for being. 

Second, because I could learn and develop and discover things, I can build drones that rival the best drone manufacturer. 

Back when nobody. 

Is doing it. 

Unfortunately, my drones had a very poor operator. 

My drones would fly as high as you can possibly imagine, catch Santa Ana wind, and blow all the way to California. 

I it took Me 2 months to recover one of my drones. 

It only went three blocks away and I walked over right past where it. 

Well, I can't seem to turn it around and get it back to me, so I just said OK slowly go down. 

Well, once you got it out of sight, it's slow going down became fast and crash so it fell into pieces and I walked to the area. 

Several times ,for a month I left notes, talked to businesses, left notes in mailboxes. 

Finally, after two months I was walking down the irrigation canal and I looked down and there was a lady tending her orchard and. 

And she said, what are you doing and I said I'm looking for my drone and she's I know where it is. 

And I. 

Said what, yes, I found it here a month ago it. 

Was right here. 

I should. 

Well, can I go down there, talk to her and she says well, sure, and I walked around and she said I gave it away. 

But I think I can call him and see if he will. 

Get him back. 

And I said, if you would, it would be great. 

It was a hexacopter, so it had six whirly wings on it. 

A real fancy flight controller, a big great battery and I did manage to put it back. 

Together and I was eternally grateful to her and gave her several things to give her son that had gotten it and got it back. 

So it was a good experience, but on average my drone building amounted to 10 hours, building 2 minutes of flight time, 2 hours of repair time, one minute of flight time, 2 hours of repair time and finally. 

Out came these new easy to fly with the GPS and the camera all built in. 

And then that's it. 

Super expensive. 

Well, there's real good ones that are expensive that are professional, but there are very economical ones and to live. 

Been attached to those I will challenge myself with the non GPS drone from time to time. 

But then comes that time when I'd like to just. 

Fly the wing. 

Comes up and I take my thumbs away and the drone just sits there. 

I'm waiting for you, doesn't matter what the wind does. 

I don't have to rebuild. 

I don't have to retouch. 

Have you ever watched the AD drone? 

Drone race 

Flight races, yes. 

Originally it was in a large basement, but now they've got him out in the field with a hoop here and, uh, ladder there where they gotta go. 

Any amount. 

It is increase. 

Printable because the guy sitting there with goggles, that's it. 

I I think any. 

Of these shows that you see. 

The aircraft that is being flown in Independence Day or the alien spacecraft, and they're floating these things upside down and sideways and spinning around and going between mountains and you just go and that takes a a completely different brain to be able to manage that and do it so fast. 


And fight off others and beat others. 

To the finish line. 

2nd so my original building the drones was set up a real good camera and go out and try to find more places that nobody would ever suspect might be there because I had worked with a gentleman. 

That did find roads using a very unique manner. 

I went out with him multiple times and he was incredibly successful at it. 

I had him find a couple of spots that might be a tricolon or Anasazi road and I haven't tagged and I have them on my list of wanting to take a drone out and fly it to see whether or not an aerial view at a certain time of day, but. 


There's a lot of keys to finding something like that, and like I just said, the time of day, the time of year, the angle has to be just right. 

I've been at Chaco at a certain location in 1980 when we went camping there and I could see 810 rows easily and you walk over to them and there's nothing that indicates that there's a road. It's just a couple of rocks. 

Over here and a couple of walks over there, but when you get back and you're right in line with the road, you can see it stretching out for miles. 

And it's fascinating to know it's there and you'd go back in two hours. 

And you couldn't see one of them stand in the same spot in the angle of the sun as a low angle or snow. 

There's so many things that enable it, but unless you learn research, find out what other people have done in order to discover that particular illusion, it becomes a very intro. 

It's inspirational to find something that nobody has ever found before, and I found several of those, both with spirals, Sun Dagger, summer solstice, and the major lunar stems still. 

I think it's really interesting the reason. 

Why you have this seemingly innate ability to do this? 

Is not because. 

You've got this super advance. 

I understand all these really higher level things you've done. 

Study on that, but it's also how many years did you drive around this area? 

Hundreds and hundreds of miles covering that your area and going out to the the the natural gas wells in that remote. 

You've spent years driving hundreds of miles a day out in the middle of. 

Nowhere there are literally thousands of field hams that had driven millions of miles and only. 

Seen the road always seemed there well and reading about what's out there and being able to find something off time, it is very comforting. 

I mean, it shows that you have dedication. 

To what you're. 

Trying to get to to the answer that you're trying to to provide or research. 

I think that's another kind of interesting lesson you just mentioned that there's thousands of hands out there driving these 4 wheel drive trucks out in the middle of nowhere, and they only see the. 

Let me try. 

Another really good example of that is that Solomon moons, where I did find the altar with both a summer solstice identification and a major lunar standstill, and the combination of doing the research on the history of that particular ruin and the tree ring. 

Davle that tide, the construction of that room down to when that particular 18 year event occurred at that location. 

The Solomon Rooms has been a public place. 

With this room show for years. 

With thousands of people that walk by and say oh, that's interesting, there's another room over here and walk in there and say that's another room. 

So we're tying into another question. 

That you're going to ask, hopefully, and that is on passion. 

I have a variety of passions and one of them is for learning, but also for finding things that are not normal but obvious. 

There's another term called Forbidden Archaeology, and that's a steady in itself of. 

Locations that have perfect evidence that somebody was here before Columbus. 

And I went to a couple of locations in Oklahoma where a lady tried to put this across that. These petroglyphs are not local Indians, they are some 1200, not 1492, and she wrote a huge book on it. 

And I took some relatives and we took a trip up to Heavener Oklahoma and looked at her evidence. 

I have her book called in plain Sight. 

Which means it's been there all along, but we are forbidden to study it because our archaeology department says everything that we know started with Columbus. 

That's an overarching thing that we hear. 

In education, just in general, it's not just archaeology. 

It could be math. 

It could be other sciences at anything. 

I I I love the fact that you have this passion to want to learn things that are outside the norm because it can maybe break the normal you know and cause. 

Some further advances. 

Another passion that I have is obvious with my introduction of where I lived, every place headed on. 

Every dog had great personalities and training that they could sit, stay, heal and some of them excelled. 

Mainly because I started as a puppy when Dot was four months old. 

I took her to a Super puppy training class and they have a rule. 

No dog. 

Before six months though. 

Lady teaching the class said how old is she? 

And I said formal. 

And she says you gotta wait too much and I said Dot said she sat down and the girl said you're in and she loved the class and through a life she learned over 30 unique commands that were not normal, some of them within search and rescue, some of them. 

In police work, some of them that you would not be able to do normally. 

Like if a dog is on the other side of the highway and you're on this side and there's traffic, how do you get the dog not to come to you? 

And I could do that with dot simply by raising my arm without would stop and sit down. 

And then when I gave you the command come her hand signal, she was here. 

I think the important thing there though, is you spent. 

Ours we thought didn't dot join you on some of those drives. 

Oh, absolutely, when we go up to a high mountain quite a few times she would go with me and she would be so tired out by the time we're done, she couldn't even get back in the car. 

She would go round. 

But she. 

Was always watching me. 

If there was a rabbit out there, she would chase some of the things I was unable to do, and I tried to include the training is to identify and note, but not attack or get close to a snake, and I almost had that training, but I couldn't do it until I found a. 

Right kind of snake. 

The wooden biter that I could give her the odor and then give her the OK. 

This is a odor that you can stop on or identify or do something. 

But everything in training was a game, so I didn't spend hours teaching. 

I spend hours enjoying the companionship, and the idea was so different in how to work, whether it's with kids or students. 

It's the same thing. 

Do you enjoy? 

What you're doing. 

I was very inspired by the studies at charcoal plant when Anna Safar found the spiral with the Sun dagger and fortunately and unfortunately, she became so enamored that she created. 

Two PBS specials will love them. 

Called the mysteries at Chaco Canyon and the other one is the Sun dagger. 

About every six months either one it will show on PBS, especially in the Southwest, because that happens to. 

Be where we are. 

She got a movie star to narrate it and it became very popular and archaeology hates her because she made it popular. 

Archaeology is a very subdued science and she is still out there studying because I had the reference of Solomon wounds, she called me to go down to Chaco when she had several other. 

Camera people on a particular night where there was a lunar eclipse. 

One of the camera people set up a camera to capture the eclipse and my camera went down into the run at Pebble Beach. 

It was a privilege to be able to do that. 

It was so cool because she had already gotten all of the permits, the rules, The Reg, everything was all good. 

I've also enjoyed doing some research at Chaco with a friend of mine from New York that did. 

His studies. 

And all I had to do was sit there with the Coke Board and write down what he said, but it was an honor to watch him because after he would find things he would do the research and find that he had discovered indeed what he thought he did. 

His methanol. 

G was also forbidden, and if I were to say what he did, you wouldn't believe it. 

He was doing water dowsing with the bent rod and he because he was homed in on finding water. 

The roads and locations of a lot of these. 

An Aussie and pre history archaic places there would be the correlation of Rd. 

And different identifications with his finding water with his dowsing rod. 

So was that is. 

It that the theory being water was alongside the road. 

No, there are streams of water all around. You can have one at 1000 feet. 

Going northwest and one at 800 feet going norsea and he would identify and I make the width and the volume he stoned so many of those water dowsing that he could recognize how wide he didn't do the depth. 

But he did the flow, the quality, the quantity, the width. 

Just for the audience, the reason why you're saying it's such a. 

Strange thing is water dowsing is I don't want not conspiracy but just something weird that people don't understand so to use that as a foundation of his research is kind of. 

That's right. 

Like a well, yeah. 

About that, but that's the reason you're mentioning that. 

Yes, that is forbidden research because he's using a tool that's not acceptable yet. 

But the amazing thing is the roads line up perfectly with that water flow and you take that and you say. 

Somehow the ancient witch doctor or whoever was doing something and saying there's something down there when this gentleman was doing research in Peru, he was talking to some of the locals and the locals could. 

Say sure, there's water on the ground here. Just put your ear down to the ground level, so having somebody 1000 years ago 4000 years ago, 6000 years ago, not just pre history, but our cakes identification or something, or location for. 

A home or a line of rocks or line or care. 

Karen is a stack of rocks and they would line up or they would be marking a term or a cross where one water would go north South. 

Another water would go East West and where they cross their Bitcoin sitting on top of that spot. 

Now we know that those. 

People were very nomadic and and they would move between locations at different times during the year and. 

So on so. 

I see there's all. 

Sorts of things that what it could. 

Be what the reasoning behind that is, that's very. 

Interesting archaeologists take the carriage or a set of rocks, or roll of something. 

And say, well, obviously this is a border or a territory marker where that tribe has to be over there in this tribe is over here and they would put a roll of rocks to line up, but the tribes are disappeared for 2000 years but is a good archaeology theory. 

And that's an acceptable theory. 

Another forbidden Archeology is a place in Texas just north of Dallas and the Little county or city is called Rockwall. 

The reason why it's called Rockwall is when the first civilization started to build there they found some rock walls that were under the corner of a vacant area. 

In other words, here's a pasture and they would start to plow the pasture, hit a rock. 

And they would dig down and find it wasn't just A roll of rocks 2 foot down. 

It'd be a 5 foot high wall and. 

How the rocks set the rocks were created or masonry or home down so they would fit so that the side of the wall is perfect so they just named it rock wall. 

Now, interestingly enough, the research was done on the wall and this said this was. 

Turn both for Columbus. 

This is pretty cool. 

I'm being guess what they did. 

They took a section to the Rockwall and moved it to in front of the museum where you could find it. 

Today, the research on that is very difficult. 

I went to the local library in Rockwall and I said I'd like to see some of the research. 

Well, that's over in this secured room. 

Can't get to it, but they took a section to the wall. 

We built it out in front of the museum and said This is why we are called Rockwall touches and it's right on the road and people that live there don't know the history. 

In your backyard you can find amazing thing, yeah? 

It's a powerful lesson to take from this. 

Just open your eyes to what's around you. 

Do a little bit of research about your own areas, history. 

Now I have two topics and I'm going to go back and forth between the two. 

First topic is being prepared and the second topic is not being prepared. 

What do you do when you're not prepared for something? 

Lightning strikes you're not prepared for that when the electric. 

Blows up or something happens that's. 

Extremely rare, but it is. 

Is major or it can be major? 

And when you fairly or narrowly escape something, it is truly a blessing or the questions you posed a long time ago is how come I'm so calm in the face of a crisis or a major problem? 

I gave you a situation. 

Where I was in a car just opened the door. 

Normally would have stepped out and one second after that door opened, a runaway color came. 

Threw at about 30 miles an hour came within an. 

Inch of the. 

Car nearly ripped the door completely off my leg. 

Would have been gone had I done my normal thing. 

I felt so grateful. 

I was not upset, it was just I am a lucky. 

Person, there's just one example of not being prepared, but still being blessed because it did. 

Happened one of my be prepared was from being in the Bush couch and doing various merit badges. 

One of them was lifeguarding, and the next summer I was a lifeguard at a pool. 

Another warm was medical or life saving. 

And I learned how to do CPR. 

This is before Heimlich before the right way to do CPR, but I had mentioned that my mom and dad started with a large house in Long Beach, CA and they wound up with a second house. 

And my sister and her new husband moved into the second house. 

My folks in my place had a large pool. 

I had just been married for about a year or so. 

I was in the Navy, my sister and her husband had just been married. 

For about 6 years. 

And had their second child, which was just maybe less than a year old. 

Now between the two houses, a gate had been put in so that the two families could communicate and I'm over with my wife, child. 

And I hear a scream from the other side and I'm the first one through the gate. 

My mom is sitting there grinning at the baby face stick, limp dead. 

Without thinking, I managed to reach him, pull out and immediately did CPR, no complications. 

Died limped boom and she pure work. 

That falls under the heading of being prepared when you don't know something might happen, but ready to do whatever's needed to be done, and that can happen anytime. 

I would like to start the nut prepared with the saying at West Point driving into West Point. 

A cadet sees the big sign it says a cadet does not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those that do. 

Lie, cheat, steal perfectly matches a situation where I was promised that a mum wanted to see her child that she had turned over to me and Dory out of chocolate she was. 

There with a gentleman that was married to somebody else that falls under the heading of cheating. 

They stole the baby, ignoring the oxygen tank sitting outside that I said, please take the oxygen. 

He also has medication. 

I had accepted the baby at about six months with a major breathing problem and at about. 

Two years old, the mom just said I would like to see. 

Him at two years old. 

He was breathing normally. 

He was recovering from a major loan. 

Problem at birth. 

She was a chain smoker. 

She did not stop smoking until she was. 

Told if you don't stop smoking, this will affect you. 

Affecting the kids didn't matter, the lie, cheat, steal also applied directly to the gentleman that she was with and later numerous times was lying, cheating. 

Stealing early on, I managed to get access to their computer. 

They asked me, could you check this thing out and I hopped on it. 

They left room for 30 seconds. 

I hit what email is going on? 

And he's cheating through the course of time, they said, I'll repay. 

You never happen matriarch of the family was in a home during a ceremony just a few years ago. The guy had just stolen $2000 from a blind guy stole and promised to repay. 

And then turned around and said no, you don't get repaid for this. 

This is what you owe me for. 

Staying here for a couple months now. 

I was in the House during a wedding. 

Different location but same family family number 2 and the matriarch was thinking about working with this particular lad because he was looking for some money now five years before she was a friend of mine. 

And said gosh, this lad, my son needs some money and I said I'm not going to loan him anymore. 

She said well, would you loan it to me and? 

I said OK. 

So I handed her a couple 1000 bucks because she said I'm going to cash in some bombs and. 

I'll repay you. 

When it came time to repay me, she said, oh I told my son and he said he will take. 

Care of it? 

I'm still waiting so at this wedding house I was saying, you know he can't be trusted and I'm wanting to tell you something that just happened with him taken to Grant. 

And before I could say it, she said you would not believe what that blind guy said about me. 

That was terrible, I don't. 

Want to see him again? 

The servant had lied after stealing the money, so multiple people had been blindsided under the heading of I wasn't prepared for an almost churchgoing member of society that puts on a front but is not trustworthy more than just. 

Not trustworthy, I'd felt that it was partially the matriarch that developed that. 

Family policies, not only of lie, cheat, and steal, but pedophilia child abuse. 

And protecting the abuser. 

There was a situation with CPS where a young abused person said I'm being terribly abused. 

This was all kept concealed and the family matriarch and her. 

Other family gathered to protect the abuser and their statement was simple. 

This young person was, you can't trust her, and because the entire family was behind the abuser, he still scottfree to this day and the abuser. 

I would not believe it forgives. 

Which is great, but I don't and I to the disgust of others, have officially made a public statement. 

I have seen the numerous times at Walmart and I will not say anything more than hello. 

I would even say goodbye. 

I'll walk away. 

And that's being blindsided by family that you would not expect that big of a blind side. 

To borrow, then caught stealing and then lying about you, I went to family #2 Mayfair, when after they had taken a baby and I walked up to the door and knocked and they had this. We can't talk to you, and we cannot let you see this baby. 

That you've been hurting for the last two years. 

I'd still to. 

This day did not believe how much they did. 

Financially, when I retired I was wealthy. 

I actually went to a house sale with the buyer, the realtor and title company, at a table, and I was representing the sales. 

I had told both of the Realtors that I knew I will not harm the sale. 

It had fallen through numerous times before. 

I had money in my pocket at that moment to pay for the House in total, if it had fallen through for any reason, I was going to dismiss. 

The realtor dismiss the buyer and say title company, sit back down you and I are going to talk because I have the paperwork and I am buying. 

We'll make the check and do the entire payoff because I had spent several months in going through how to flip a house, how to develop a house, how to walk through the system, and I was prepared to have that title. 

Change regardless of Realtors or buyers because I was able to do that at that moment. 

Now fortunately because I was wealthy and I really owned another family that were. 

Was great at saving that Young 12 year old girl running away on the streets of California that would not have survived and helped to not guide but protect and take her for six months until it couldn't stand her anymore. 

And then they. 

World Back then we had to take her. 

Back after four months. 

And then they would take her for three months and couldn't stand her anymore. 

But I was able to help them for quite a few years to stay on top of things not lose their home. 

To be able to move, to give them a place. 

One of the. 

Reasons that they moved to Texas is because they didn't want to kill somebody like the girl and that husband. 

They would have killed him, so being prepared financially I had numerous opportunities to use the well to help people another be prepared that I into are not prepared is helping homeless. 

I had numerous homeless people from. 

The local church that I was able to set up a place for them to stay for a day or two. 

The church had some really bad experiences from one of them that the church paid for a local end for them to stay and they ruined it. 

They trashed it. 

They stayed in next a couple of days. 

The church got billed for the extra days they said we'll do it for two days. 

They stayed for four. 

The church got billed for that. 

They said we will never take another one of your people, so I was able to help various homeless people. 

I had one great experience with a homeless guy that was a great hermit. 

And his bad habits were only one beer a day. 

2 cigarettes a day. 

But he could work for an hour or two. 

He was with me helping me for nine months. 

I had several crisises that he was helping me out of. 

Then I had a not pretty. 

A perfect looking couple. 

A perfect looking story. 

A perfect desire to get up to Durangos and I gave him a place to stay and gave him a ride to Durangos came back down and found that they had really ripped me off. 

I had some electronics. 

Stuff you like in smartphones. 

I went. 

Right back up. 

Tried to find him and they were not well. 

I dropped him off. 

I went over to the Police Department and reported it. 

Fortunately, the church had his ID, so I gave him the ID. 

All of the evidence left there went back to where they said they were going to be and found him in there eating and I sat down. 

And I said I can reduce what I told the police. 

If you can give me back most of what she got, we did not do anything. 

We didn't do it and I said now. 

I want you to think about that and look at the earphones that. 

The girl is. 

Sorry, that's one of the new earphones he. 

Said well it. 

Doesn't even work. 

And I said, well, that's because it's an apple earphone. 

It does not work at Luna Android and she said we did not do that and I said OK. 

You have a police file now in Colorado. 

Don't get picked up. 

That's it. 

I'm going. 

So that was the not prepared and had to take action. 

I was not really ****** at him because it's like dealing with. 

A termite, a wolf, a skunk. 

It's their nature. 

That's what they do. 

They're going to do that most or all the rest of the homeless up to that time, or grateful, and some of them that stayed with me for like a uh, a week or two. 

They'd actually. 

Listen to a lecture on how to become a better citizen by getting their drivers license and getting there. 

Job and then they could pay into Social Security. 

So my check would be good, but the last homeless people that I helped and that will be the last one was a not prepared short. 

I think it's interesting how when you compare being prepared and not prepared, you're taking it from the perspective of being prepared for. 

The way People act, and this is important too, because in our shows when we talk about different potential events that can occur, usually you talk about natural disasters or financial hardship or even like terrorism or active shooter type of events. 

She had. 

These are big. 

Events that can happen. 

I I don't think it's very common that people think that when you're trying to help someone that it's going to turn on you or that you're just going through life and somebody causes such difficulty for you. 

Maybe not even financially, but emotionally, you're stuck in this. 

I don't know how anyone. 

Can expect this to happen whether it's a relation someone you're related to or someone you're not necessarily related to, it's hard to believe that people do the things. 

They do. 

And that was an interesting point you made. 

It's, you know, like a wolf or like a skunk, and it's just who. 

They are grifter. 

They're con artists. 

They play the victim mentality all the time. 

It's just what they do. 

There's some things out there that you cannot prepare for. 

I learned that you can't shoot a skunk. 

Because even if I blow their neck wide open, they'll still turn around and have perfect acquisition. 

And I tried that with a 410 shotgun with a 22. 

And all I could do is shoot. 

Turn around and run. 

And part of a skunk spring doesn't have to be a stream. 

They can spray a fine mist that they. 

Stay in the air. 

For hours, and so does that dog. 

But do you think a dog? 

Learns now I will never get the smell out of my. 

Nose I've had so many skunks. 

But I actually enjoy the odor. 

Yeah, I had one that I was on the phone and I got my voice record. 

Word, and here's what I'm saying. 

OK, I've got a skunk that's caught it's in a small cage and it's sideways and I'm going to walk up to it and throw this tarp over the cage and he's sitting sideways. 

His **** is claiming that way and I've gotta turn up in front of me and I was laughing while I was describing. 

Because it was great, he turned sideways, shot a stream and. 

That bogan over deep the chart and nailed my shoulder perfectly. 

And hung gorgeous this is. 

Great is doing a phenomenal show. 

I thought he could be a quarterback and I could be surrounded by protection or by the opposing side. 

And he got me. 

He still got me and I had that recorded for months and I could giggle and laugh. 

Course I had to throw the sweater. 

But I was worried that weights burn it. 

In the combination of questions that you had on the financial side, I was never poor. 

We always had, according to Dave Ramsey enough, we were never limited in what we could get. 

It was what we really needed. 

During the COVID time, I had no impact because by nature I was already quarantined by my nature of enjoying the property and enjoying what I was doing. 

It took me months to say. 

OK, I will do a zoom, but I would still not worry about hopping in a curve putting in a mask, going to the grocery store, getting what we needed, go back home, sit there. 

Chopped down her tree, clean nether ditch. 

You would not believe some of the dishes that I have done. 

Some of them took months to do because I can only hit it a couple of hours and then have to stop because that dirt and walks were so high. 

Heard that I'd have to wait so various financial disasters, catastrophes. 2008 I read about it, I knew what was going on. 

I knew people that were affected, but I didn't have to buy stuff. 

I knew a friend that had. 

A business up in Durangos selling those bad mortgages that were inflated that caused people to lose homes to go broke and I had first thing from retirement. 

Everything was paid for. 

All debt was clear. 

I had money in the bank and I was able to help people along the way. 

So the financial preparedness from Dave Ramsey is superb. 

Just understanding that the philosophy of. 

Stop spending when that budgetary item runs out of money. 

When that envelope is empty, stop entertaining yourself. 

Stop doing that thing. 

If you can't afford your entertainment device. 

Reduce your need down to something that you can afford some cell phones. Some smartphones are hundreds if not 1000 or $2000 and they break them without even feeling it crap. Oh well. 

It's just cell phone. Yep, 1000. 

Dollars so flow. 

The parting shot is simply. 

There are so many words of wisdom that if we just understand the realization that there's so much truth. 

In that word, I carried around a piece of paper that says you cannot tax half of the poppy. 

Solution and give it to the other half because it reduces the desire to work for both halves. 

The half that gives away or test their money taken away does not have an incentive to work because that guy is getting it for free and that guy that's getting it for free. 

There's no incentive to work because. 

You're gonna get. 

It for free. 

So that's just the financial side. 

But in life that serenity of prayer, of understanding, the difference in knowing what you can and what you cannot do, the wisdom in that is tremendous. 

Parting shots West Point before rules. 

I always carry a multitool. 

Every week I need either a knife or needle nose pliers. 

I must have 10 multi tools and I have warned out probably 2 left. 

To those who don't know, Leatherman is kind of the creme de la creme of multi tools. 

Well, it depends on if you like the stainless steel or the block. 

Are we going to get into an? 

Argument about multi tools. 

Absolutely not. 

They're all great, and just having one is fantastic. 

The one time I found an interesting. 

Use of a multitool is a person that was going to use one to go out into the forest, and he took the multitool onto a grinding wheel and took the screwdriver that he would not need and turn that into a chisel that he would use. 

Under the Boy Scout, there's a model of do a good turn daily and that feeling good about being able to help somebody. 

There's a secondary item in the Boy Scout ruling. 

Try not to let him know. 

Can you do a good term and not tell anyone? 

Now Oprah had a great one that says pass it on or pay it forward and that went viral. 

Another source for words of wisdom is kinda like a poem called Desert Dorado and that has numerous great words to live by. 

I watched the colon Powell ceremony and they passed. 

His 13 rules of leadership, he had some great rules to live by. 

Most of them had dealt with leadership. 

But in amongst his 13 rules to live by. 

The best one is right up the Gen X talking and Boy Scouts start with it and it's be prepared whatever you're doing. 

So my compliments go to you and your endeavors. 

Thank you, I'll not necessarily add to but compliment. 

Your parting shot as well. 

I find myself reminding just about anyone I come in contact with with that serenity prayer. 

I think it's probably one of the most important. 

That we can do. 

I I put it a lot more simple and just control the things that you can't control, that's all, but I do like that final statement of understand the difference or have the wisdom to know the difference between what you can and can't control. 

Well that I thank you so much for for joining us today on the show and remember this loyal. 

Audience always be learning to respond well. 

And the cover faster. 

Until next time this is Matt Marshall. Signing out 

And Brooks!. 


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