GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared

STORYTIME: Ed Goes to NYC and Gets Covid GXT-STORY-EP02

January 28, 2022 GenXTalkin Season 2022 Episode 24
STORYTIME: Ed Goes to NYC and Gets Covid GXT-STORY-EP02
GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared
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GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared
STORYTIME: Ed Goes to NYC and Gets Covid GXT-STORY-EP02
Jan 28, 2022 Season 2022 Episode 24

Support the Show Pack Rabbit Affiliate Link

In this latest episode of GXT Storytime, we discuss Ed’s recent trip to NYC, so they could witness yet another NT Giant loss to the Cowboys (…sorry @nishygirl420).  But we also talk about the state of things in NYC, why people stay versus why they leave.  We talk a bit about Ed’s virtually non-existent battle with Covid. And we conclude the show with some observations and predictions for 2022.

 Blog Post

Population Shrink in NY

The truth will always be known… John 8:32

Israeli Open Source Intelligence New Agency – Debka


Thanks for joining us today, until next time, this is Matt Marshall, signing off.

This is Ed Wasson, signing off!


Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared

Show Notes Transcript

Support the Show Pack Rabbit Affiliate Link

In this latest episode of GXT Storytime, we discuss Ed’s recent trip to NYC, so they could witness yet another NT Giant loss to the Cowboys (…sorry @nishygirl420).  But we also talk about the state of things in NYC, why people stay versus why they leave.  We talk a bit about Ed’s virtually non-existent battle with Covid. And we conclude the show with some observations and predictions for 2022.

 Blog Post

Population Shrink in NY

The truth will always be known… John 8:32

Israeli Open Source Intelligence New Agency – Debka


Thanks for joining us today, until next time, this is Matt Marshall, signing off.

This is Ed Wasson, signing off!


Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared

Matt Marshall:

Well welcome welcome GenXers one and all we are excited to get started with a brand new year of podcasts and videos for our loyal audience. I'll talk about that all in a minute, but before I do Ed , welcome back, man.

Ed Wasson:

Thanks. It's good to be back I'm back. I'm back right on.

Matt Marshall:

Well, we wanted to start with some just some quick updates first. Hey, we continue to produce these unboxed prepping efforts just reviewed the UCO Candlelier lanterns set, which is great. I use it almost every single day. I don't know if you can see that very well, but I use this thing just about every day to warm up my little office area. few other items. I've got a, I've got a Slingshot that I'll be reviewing here, coming up in just a little bit, a couple of cool fire and light source items that I was recently gifted over the holidays. So looking forward to pushing some stuff out Ed I'm sure you've got some stuff as well, that you'll be sending our way second StoryTime Series ads just recently provided us with some real time stories. He had his recent visit to the New York New Jersey area and the effects of COVID and his life over the last month or so. So that's been really cool. We're going to be talking about that in today's show. Actually we'll probably have a scenario I'm envisioning a scenario about economic struggles stemming from fuel shortage.. Hey, we're trying to be a bit more consistent and purposeful about our social media if you follow us there that you've probably already seen some of that change. Here in January with training videos, with five concepts posts, things like that we've got this neat little one about situational awareness. So that's been pretty exciting for us to see so much growth so quickly. We're trying to make this this prepping thing much simpler for our followers and could really use some input from those who watch and listen. So we hope you enjoy them. And please comment, when you. The last thing I wanted to talk about Ed is we're upping our production efforts. I was talking to you a little bit about this earlier. To this point. We've been doing it all all on our own concepts, recording, editing, producing, and marketing.

Ed Wasson:

Yep , Well you've been doing most of that

Matt Marshall:

and it, and what, it's been fun, but it's a lot of work. So we're engaging with a small local production team here. And just to help us with the content primarily, and to get it a bit more professional sounding we're paying them to even go back through some of our older episodes and clean those up and , get some more professional sounds there. So that's going to be, I think, exciting for us to see. Please keep an eye out for it.

Ed Wasson:

GenXTalkin 2022