GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared

2023 11-15 Curate Your Social Media Feed

GenXTalkin Season 2023 Episode 1115

5 tips to curate your online social media feed

did you know that 80% of the content in social media today is made by less than 10 percent of users?
But also, did you know that only 10% of users actually interact with content?

Which means, if you think about the actual content that’s “blowing up”, it may not truly be what the populace believes…

With that said, what are some ways we can curate our own social media to make it more useful for us?

  1. Follow accounts that create content that aligns with your values and interests.
    1. Just be mindful not to create an echo chamber.
    2. It might be interesting to understand both sides of an argument, but if you find the accounts bring you more frustration, then disconnect them in some way
  2. Utilize the "mute" and "unfollow" features to remove posts that don't bring you joy or value or education.
    1. Hide Accounts - hide without unfollowing
    2. Temporary mute like for 30 days.
  3. Take breaks from social media when needed to help keep a healthy balance in your life.
    1. What are some ways you can recognize this is needed?
    2. What are some thing we could do when taking breaks (hike, walk, sit by firepit)
  4. Curate a list of accounts that you can look to for inspiration and positive messages.
    1. But what if it’s already overrun with garbage?
      1. Start a new account
      2. Reset your feed
  5. Engage with content that resonates with you, by liking, commenting and sharing posts that you appreciate.

Of course you could completely remove yourself from social media as well.  But it seems there are ways you can still reap the benefits of new technologies, learn from others, doing it in a more healthy way.

Well that about sums it up.

Good luck out there!

Better be prepared.

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Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared

Oh shoot We're on I need to pull up my notes Kitty. Let me pull up my notes…You know one thing that I don't like to do What's that When I come home from a long day…at work, What's that Open my phone…and get on social media and have just the stupidest…or most negative things…facing me there. So I I don't even turn on social media right when I get home You've noticed that Yeah I do other things to distract myself like to go on a walk or work out. So when I do it turn on social media… nine times out of town I haven't been liking it. Well that's probably for a reason…But first…I'm Kristen. And I'm Matt, did you know that eighty percent of the content in social media today is made by less than ten percent of the users? Yeah When I read that I was like, oh, we're all in a vacuum. The same vacuum Same vacuum. Same people spewing out the vitriol out there But did you also know that only ten percent of users actually interact…with that. So that means the same. What do you mean by interact Because like…I I think everybody that gets on…likes or makes a comment…That's interacting right That is interacting there's There's liking, there's sharing, there's…in you know in some places there's like follow the user follow that particular, the username…So what do you mean Direct messaging them So what do you mean by interacting That's exactly it Only ten percent of people actually interact…with posts. That means what they're doing is they're just scrolling. They're just scrolling through. Oh I guess They're not liking. It's interesting because when I watch when I used to watch our…daughter do… her…Instagram or whatever Now she doesn't really use Instagram that March of course we're like way way out dating. But when she used to do it, every single post, she'd do the double tap So she wouldn't click the like button She just double tap which is just the same as same as a like button Right? So she would just go See I didn't even know that I know Right These new things we learned from the youth Okay the dudes. Yeah. So that's what she would do She would scroll up to do double tap Scroll up double tap Scroll up double tap She wouldn't even look at the posts. When she was younger It was just you whoever the user was, double tap. User double tap. Crazy That's stupid because that's not very like Exactly. Right Okay…Alright So…I think I want to go back to what I said before And I wanna say that…I think there's some kind of mix up in that because…I do believe there's a lot of us that will scroll past something…Mhmm And we won't we'll choose not to say anything. But I would say most of when we get on, we'll interact with one post. You know? Now that podcast kitty is gonna be making some noise on your microphone So if you careful of that. Go ahead Okay…It's alright. She gets to have a say so too Yes. Yeah So do you see what I'm saying It's like, I think that ninety percent of us when we get on, we do scroll past things but then we interact with something before we shut down And it could be it could be that it's, you know ten percent of the time we interact with something That makes more sense But the the actual the actual data was saying only ten percent of people interact with that with those I just maybe I'm a chronic user. Hey maybe you're just a different type of user You're just a different type of user but what that brings us to is the topic of the show today Yeah And that is curating your online feed. Which how the heck do we do that What are we talking about? Yeah So I have I have five things…that we can do on a regular basis to curate our online feed Now, you have some stuff to kind of finish this off When…at the end around, like, deleting some things Matt…finish a song Oh… Yeah I watch UFC so I know what that means. But first let's go back to…What is this…thing you have written up here about if you think that about the actual content that's blowing up Yeah It may not truly be what the populace…actually believes. And that was brought up when we were talking about the the collective collusion right Yeah. What if what you're seeing as if what the algorithm so for say Instagram or Facebook or you know, TikTok whatever. The algorithm if the algorithm…is presenting to you based on the few things that you've clicked on. But more importantly, the algorithm is saying, okay what has been clicked on more than anything else is this…this half naked woman that's dancing around in a dang dinosaur suit…then we're gonna present that to everyone's page. And it becomes really really popular And then people go, I guess this is popular. So I guess everybody else should dance around like that real dumb…And so it makes it makes it us…It's almost like this collective illusion that brings…our intelligence level down. Right Exactly Which is why so many of us are against a lot of those social medias. Yeah Yeah. But I do know…I have been on Facebook…And I've seen where you can, like, do some things to have your friends that you haven't seen in a while come back on…I…not really a partaker anymore at Facebook…I will…sit here and admit to you and you know that you've watched this. Over the last…two years maybe. I…dwindled my Facebook activity to once every couple months…I got on it twice this month. I don't know why I do it twice. No Just real quick So I understand when you say face back Facebook activity you're saying, you just getting on and looking Yeah Just logging in Because it's been like years since you've actually interacted and actually posted something Yeah I haven't posted something in years but just getting on and looking And there's this like notification button. And the first time I got on it said like I had eighty one notifications. And that right there was like It's too bad when you get ninety nine plus. That was like really overwhelming to me I didn't like that at all I have enough things to do I don't need that. So Yeah So I what I'm I guess my point was…I know that there's a way to reset things I've seen that on Facebook I don't know how to do it but I know that So…I'm happy to hear how I can redo some of these things because you know, you like so many things and then you think something is cool This is what I hate about Instagram. I wonder if anybody else out there hates this Okay. So you see this post and it really gets you and you're like yeah. Yeah That's exactly what I feel. And you hit like and then you go to the person's page and you see a couple things that you're like yeah this seems like something that I espouse to, something that I could be invested in. And so you go ahead and you hit that little blue button, and you follow…Okay And then…and then all of a sudden the next thing you know they're showing adult toys Suctioned on a sliding glass door in your life. Oh that's why you didn't you weren't you weren't getting the following that person for that Oh okay…It wasn't a it wasn't an adult toy It was supposed to be a Christmas present but…Okay…I'm saying you know, that was not the reason why I followed them And there's been some or or like the one that I laughed about because like oh yeah I remember growing up in that era and now they have all these products from China that they're constantly…putting up And I'm like, not really interested. Not interested. And so it's just yeah. So I know I can go hit unfollow but the algorithm has already been set It's already written Yes Even if I hit unfollow it seems like I'm still gonna pull up garbage So yes. Save me So this is so it's interesting There's a few things that we can do to curate…our online feed Now there's there's ways we can clean up our feed Right Which is what I would have Which is what you're referring to as well But things like most applications most most apps that are out there They have that…reset your feed Instagram has it Facebook has it TikTok has it Did you know that there's actually a feed that will encourage…scientific, encourage stem…things to be presented to you Did you know that No That's I didn't know that either until I started doing started doing research for this There's actually a setting in TikTok that would make you smarter if you chose to use that instead of looking at dancing dinosaurs. Well you gotta tell us about the setting man I'm not gonna go into the details on how to do it necessarily But what I what I do wanna do is I wanna and I say that because it would take… we're primarily talking to them Wait You need a degree in stem to know how to do the stem No No They the apps purposely try to make this easy because they know this…really pisses some people off that they're getting garbage in their feed And they wanna somehow be able to reset it. Yeah Definitely. The thing you have to understand is you have to understand that once you do make that setting change or reset that, your feed, all the other likes and things like that will go to the bottom of your priority and their algorithm. And you'll all start all over, which gives you a perfect perfect opportunity to then curate your feed to what you really want. Right? Right. But because you still when you do this, there'll still be the pages that you want. There? The the like the follows…the things you have followed that does not get cleared Right Okay It's the and and even that you liked…you know how it creates In some applications it'll also keep a list of the things that you liked, right or the the things you've saved and things like that It won't it won't wipe any of that out necessarily. All it's doing is it's wiping your feet as to what you've, the history and the and the algorithm. Okay? And so that then you can start to go okay So from this point forward I'm gonna be really careful about what I choose to like or follow or whatever it may be. Hopefully. So let's start let's talk about this curating the feed a little bit Mhmm Yeah Let's do that. Okay So number one of the things we can do is we can follow accounts that create content that aligns with our values and interests. So Now one of the things we need to and of course that's that's pretty self explanatory. Right Yeah. I'm not gonna I personally would not follow let's say…Aloreen Okay I don't like death metal. Alright Okay Music Right Alright Got it Now some people not to offend But some people like our former pastor, liked some death metal Right Matallica all the way Yeah Well I wouldn't say Metallica's metal Oh no No No What was it that he liked Iron maiden Right Iron maiden was one He did like that but there's some like I mean corn's pretty heavy duty. But there's…slip knot you know there's some crazy one Now those are older ones There's some newer ones that are like, hoo Pretty crazy. Anyways Alright So…the only thing that I would caution people on on this number one…is just be mindful not to create this echo chamber especially if you're if you're talking about like, political type of things. If you follow a particular political view, and, you know a a a host on TV or or a a radio show or something like that If they're the only ones that you follow, and you don't balance it with something else, then you will only ever hear that leftist view or that right view you know That's all you would ever hear And so it creates this echo chamber inside your head Okay So…What I'm taking in should be balanced just like you in a diet for my body for my mind should be balanced However…if I'm passionate about something I have every right to push my agenda…Yeah Yeah Absolutely Absolutely And so you're not telling people that they shouldn't be passionate and…No But what I'm seeing is if and and one of the comments I put in here is it it might be interesting to try to understand both sides of an argument You know if you're If you're stuck in this in this echo chamber and you never hear the other side of the argument…then…you will only ever believe that that's truth. And you won't if you never give yourself the opportunity to hear the other side, then you lock yourself into…into perhaps an untruth. But Matt what if I'm right? That. Is an echo chamber Thank you for that example…If you only believe that you're right, Which we all show Then you should be posting more…No. No You should you should be open minded and you should well I mean of course that's within reason Right Of course Like it's I'm I tend to be more on the conservative side of of politics. And so I tend to listen more to folks on the right. But what I'll also do on the regular basis is I'll listen to one of the more left leaning shows and…suffer through it in many cases because it's hard to listen to some of it because the because to me it just some of it doesn't make sense. But you do that because you know every once in a while there is something that makes sense to you There may be some some like, certainly when it comes to you know certain social social policies and things like that, I can understand point of view and trying to care for another human to to provide services to people who are less, you know less fortunate. so I certain because I would…I would like to know that others would take care of me if I were in a difficult situation So I totally understand that but there's certain there's certain things that just don't make sense to me So that's the only reason I say Just try not to lock yourself into an echo chamber. Okay So Alright. I I'm I'm getting that I like this next point because it's got one of my favorite things I've been doing Oh why don't you why don't you talk about this So Matt's next point that he has up here on this screen that I'm reading it says utilize the mute…and unfollow features to remove posts that don't bring you joy or value or education. And I have definitely…Okay He has a is hide accounts… hide without unfollowing and be temporary mute for like thirty days. I wanna speak on a because…we had a relative that I regularly…just hid without following…But I've never done b Explain b to me So that was another thing that I learned recently. There are sometimes options and…and this is a tricky one because I'm not sure… the the real use case for it Because if you don't agree with somebody's… whatever…Politics their music taste their, you know the types of cars that they show whatever You know if you don't agree to it or if you don't agree with it, then…you just don't Right? Then you typically would just go I unfollow or I'm just going to unfollow or get rid of this account. But it may be it may be that for a time, you don't wanna see that stuff. Right? Yeah. And and maybe it's just like for instance I was very much into search and rescue for a period of time I still love it Right? But right now, I have many other things that I need to focus on And so I don't necessarily need to under hear about search and rescue for a period of time So I wanna take a break from that. And so…I can mute it for thirty days or hide it for thirty days from my feed And that's just one of those settings in several of the apps that are out there. That's pretty cool I haven't really taken advantage of that Maybe I'll look into that Yeah. the other one and this is I think what you tended to do, Now I wanted I wanted to preface this because…you can completely get yourself off Now some some of our relatives they completely remove themselves…Yeah From from any any form of social media Exactly…And I can understand after after sitting there for a period time an hour whatever it may be and reading some of the garbage that's out there, I can understand why people would head that direction. Right If it's all just negative stuff, then it's not worth it None of it is Right? But…You could just as easily just take a break from social media. Right And you've done this I have done this as well Yes when you need to like, understand keep a healthy balance of life and social media Real life what do they call it IRL in real life Real life. So…you can maybe go for like when you're on vacation, truly take a vacation… and don't look at social media for that entire week or two weeks or whatever days whatever it may be You know That's why I love our summer vacations but now you can Now you can kinda get access right? Kinda I I think our our daughter was saying that recently. She said it used to be a lot harder to get on. Now it's now it's easier when you're at the lake to get on to Well you know what? You can just make it harder…or yourself? Yes That that the point is one of the things because the location where we tend to go for for our summer lake trips…it's a bit of a haul to get from the car to the house. Yeah And you can…you could If you really want it to unplug…but still want your phone for like pictures, and stuff like that Maybe just you know, undo the Wi Fi Maybe airplane mode Yeah Airplane mode would be great That would be a a good way to do it Yeah Now that's very very difficult for some people I'm sure. not difficult for me but Not for me It is It is what it is. So…What do you what do you think about? Like if you if you…ins us do a little self interest intros… introspection…Yeah introspection looking upon yourself. Yes Matt It's your thing to say. What are some of the ways you might recognize…That you need…to take a break from social media What do you think? I think it's this anxiety I start feeling. Start biting my nails I start comparing myself to others. And…or just feeling down, just negative. And then I'm like okay this is not healthy. There's so many other things I could be doing…that bring me joy. And so…Yeah When that was that was kind of my my question number two around this is what are some some of the things we could do aside from looking at social media. And maybe even incorporating the you know the taking the break bit, But what are some other things that we could do I was thinking hiking because it's always nice. I love hiking Love being outside…when it's cold I don't love being out side as much. Unfortunately that's coming. but I like doing home projects you know that I like to paint and around the house and find little things like that to do with love to bake love to cook, love to listen to my podcasts. I have lots of podcasts that I listen to True crime…and and other things too because sometimes you need a break from that too… but cleaning too I mean, visiting visiting with family. That's huge. Yeah Plan games. Like real life games in real life Yeah Like these Like these guys here really simple games drinking games if you really wanted to Card games. Yeah Yeah No There's so many other more fun things to do Yeah. So I I was thinking one of the things that we we recently committed to is…creating a fire out in the fire pit and inviting some some friends over it consistently every Sunday night which is awesome and it's it's last Sunday was a little cold. so it is what it is but and it's gonna do nothing but get colder So we might have to finish that up in the next week or so. Maybe we start earlier next year it's not it's not fun to sit out there by the fire pit. In the summer when it's you know a hundred degrees out there I'm not gonna sit next to a fire you know No But so the so and then you'd have to have it late late into the evening like ten eleven o'clock in order to actually enjoy the fire Yeah I think it's one of those things that we could do all the way up to like mid June. Oh in the in the springtime you mean Yeah Like maybe start at late March is what I'm thinking or mid March…Maybe To mid June and then pick it back up at September to through November…Yeah And It's just gonna have to be those in between…season one because have to be the shoulder months for sure Right. I don't know We'll we'll wait Maybe we make a bigger fire this next Sunday and see if that doesn't warm up that area better And we're about to cut down another massive tree out there So we'll have another probably three years of firewood. Yep So we won't have any problems with that. So yeah we can do a lot of things out there I think spend time with people in real life. Pet the podcast Katie…So…yeah What do we do though when it's gotten really bad? There I mean and I hope that we…we talk about some other things that…Yeah Let's okay Let's just say it's bad It's really bad. You know there's there's some kids out there who grew up on this. Right Mhmm. And…they had high school friends They had high school hobbies that now they get into their mid twenties in their life Oh my gosh I don't want. It's like when they're, you know we've seen this with our kids They get to this certain age and they're like they don't want any of the clothes that had to do anything with high school. Yeah Right So I can imagine the same thing happens with social media I don't wanna have anything to do with what my previous pages were. Yeah So the whole the whole concept of this show is curating your online feed Right But you can't really curate your online feed without being brutally honest about who you're following. Yeah And so I think that's the that's number four which is curate a list of accounts that you look for for inspiration, positive messages. So and and it's it's interesting You can sit there and you can look at something and you can look at what people are posting, remembering that only ten percent of people out there are actually posting stuff for the most part. but you can look at what people's po people are posting, and you can see…whether it's… good, useful, educational, positive stuff which is what we need Right That's that's one of the biggest reasons…for social media is to learn something to to be something to be informative to help you to encourage you To build you up To build to build people up It unfortunately…with the with the and I don't know which app it was necessarily that made it so bad But Twitter is a big one Because there it just gives you a I'm sorry x. It's called x now. that was always a big one because…anonymous people basically get on there and just troll and spread garbage and trash…in people's in people's messaging and and comment sections. And you're just like, this is…this is nothing but garbage. I mean it speaks to that whole like…because people can do it relatively…anonymously yeah Yeah. It's that insidious side of bullying and Yeah. Just…It it's almost like the people who were bullied in high school or junior high or whatever, finally get their choice or their time…to speak out and be angry. And they wanna and they wanna tear down the popular people You know Or it's just even those people that are…you know maybe a…little…Like they like to present themselves a certain way…in society…but there they can just let themselves go…free. Yeah They kinda And be careless…Yeah With their words I don't know I I think there's some Brilliant, though in X I have seen some Oh yeah Yeah Brilliant…Brilliant…Word crafting going on. But yeah I've also seen some just…Just horrible stuff Yeah But I mean that's the…But that's human nature too That's what when you were dealing with people that's what you're gonna get Just I just think it's important for people to to understand to remember…that it's a very small amount of people who are actually posting stuff So you still got eighty percent of the rest of the world out there…they're the the rest of the users let's just say on x or on Instagram or Facebook, that are actually doing the posting. Right? And so…don't be so wrapped up in these people that are you know in the stuff that you're seeing there and be really really purposeful…and curate your online feed to be and the the people that you follow And that's what I meant by being brutally honest about whether it's really good stuff that you're following or it's just garbage. You can sit there I remember when I was first starting the the gen x talking, like, media presence multiple social media presence. And so one of the things they say is follow…follow other people that are of similar interest. Like minded. Meet people at the water cooler. Right Which is basically a concept of saying saying go and and talk in the same circles Join that group. Right Join that preparedness minded group or that whatever it is whatever that the topic is that you're interested in But aren't you falling into an echo chamber That that's so quick It becomes an echo chamber So you really have to be brutal…about those that you follow…and and just say I don't want you following me and I don't wanna follow you Because you're doing nothing but spread and garbage You know Yeah And so I think that's a that's just an important thing I think it's important Oh, sneezers…Oh Oh Why did you do that I'm broken. Broke the sneeze why did you do that to me You're so mean…Oh gosh. I hate you. Okay Go ahead. That's why it's so important that you Oh no I was just gonna say I think you just even even in your now most people I think most people…When they get online…they create an account a personal account. Yeah They use that personal account, they…like and follow different particular users. When we originally started Facebook years ago, it was all about family. Yes The biggest reason we got on Facebook was just to have contact with family And long distance friendships…And yeah well that's what it grew into Right It was all about family first And then oh wait. Oh here's this person I knew, you know back in back in New Mexico. Or here's this person Oh my gosh Here's these people from high school And what it was all about back in the day it was all about building your friends you know friends and they say it was And then all of a sudden it was oh hey Do you have a Facebook Can I get on your Facebook Yeah Can I get on your Facebook Oh now let's share Facebook Oh let's do this And here I am with friends and all this stuff Yeah And then the next thing I know I have all these people on my Facebook that I'm like do I really have a relationship with? Exactly and so that where I'm saying…be brutal…about your friend groups. Right Comes back down to Dumbar's number. Cut it down Cut it down Cut it down What is that number Hundred and fifty A hundred and fifty But a hundred and fifty for the average person there are people who are more outgoing and so that number could be a little higher Yeah. Based on…your temperament. Yeah And that would be ne I would never be so harsh as to say I can only have a hundred and fifty. One you know if if new friend comes along and I go well I gotta bump somebody off in order to get you in So you wanna pay some or…You might do that I might You're brutal like that But no Not…likely. No But but that's what I'm saying You just gotta be really careful really honest about if you haven't communicated with this person in years And I remember seeing those…they're almost like…guilty posts…Right? If I haven't if nobody if you don't respond to me in this then I'm just gonna I'm gonna unfriend you in this boat And you're like really? Okay. Go ahead. Unfriend me. I mean whatever. I I I always laughed when I saw those but I do know that there was a musician locally that, we had a relationship with because he tutored our son. and I'll just say his name because he's a great guy And if you need good jazz music please go visit Rob…Levitt…great musician great guy. He was on my feed for years because we did have this business…somewhat like relationship…Yeah. And I remember seeing him post something similar to that but he worded his much differently. It was pretty much like, please forgive me. I really need to take my feed down to a more manageable level. Mhmm Please understand if we have not had a good deep conversation in a while you may find yourself not off you know, not on this page anymore. Yeah But if this bothers you and you feel like that this was an error please feel free to contact me and I'll be glad to See that Connect Yeah That doesn't sound like a guilt trip to me That sounds like somebody who's coming into reality…of what is meaningful to them Right And if you haven't communicated with them for two or three years then okay Fine. Because you can always reach out and try to become their friend again Right Right Maybe in real life. Yeah Go to one of their jazz I remember I wrote him and I said Hey I really respect this And maybe if we connect again in the future great If not thank you so much for all your help in… the and I was like fine with okay. Yeah You know Yeah. So No That's good stuff Yeah I don't mind. If people need to…say goodbye to me because they need to make room and space in their life I don't take it personally. Yeah. Yeah. So…The last one is, engage with content…that resonates with you by liking, commenting, sharing posts that you appreciate right? Yeah This is this is I think important…especially to those to all those small businesses that are out there If you someone else is creating content that you appreciate Yeah That you like, that again that resonates with you Support them Support them Yeah. Like follow share the post If you if you thought something was interesting share it. That's those are some some good things that you can do on a regular basis…and…there are many many different ways to engage, you know and all depends on the app. sometimes it's as simple as liking. but like in YouTube for instance there's you can't just fall like and subscribe there's also a little alarm bell if you wanna be made aware of a new post that comes up by that by that particular user So Yeah I never…hit the alarm. I used to when I when we were doing when I was really getting into the the crypto mining years ago. right about the time that it started going downhill is when I started getting into…I'm like leave me alone. I don't wanna know…Yeah Anyways…that was when time was of the essence…Because you needed to know sooner than later So Right Alright So…we talked about this a little bit earlier Now one of the things I was gonna say is of course like at at the beginning Time Matt Is it time It's almost time to delete me Yeah you could completely…remove yourself. From social media And I think this is more of a…last ditch effort to to maintain your sanity. If you're really getting…You know if you've hit a a level of depression or something like that in your life because Oh I don't even think it's that…Yeah I think it could be as simple as you've moved into a new position, and they require that you no longer Oh yeah have a point Social media. I don't think it's all about you gotten to this place where you can no longer handle it. Because that's such a negative connotation too It could be you've gotten to this place where you're like I'm too busy for all this And I don't want to I'm now an executive within an organization And I just don't wanna leave loose ends out there whether you're executive or not Maybe you see that social media as just these loose ends that you don't want. Good People being able to pry Yeah Good And…so So let's hear it Let's hear it Let's hear that that knife cutting…So I had a I have my best friend committed…I won't even say that because it's wrong to say that nowadays. But she decided…to completely remove herself digitally…from all formats And so she went to this…service years ago They've been around for a long time. And so I looked into it it's called Delete Me. Still round, and it still does a great job So, what can delete me do for the average person? There is a cost for this. It's not…so much…I mean, I think it's reasonable for what they do and I'll explain why When I first saw it I was like oh, that seems really steep It's over a hundred dollars per year It's a hundred and twenty nine per person but and then if two people do it for a year it's two hundred and twenty nine which is a little bit lower…But they remove…all of your digital…footprint from…all of these different things from, they remove your occupation your marital status your property value…your social media your relatives your phone your photos your email, your past addresses…your current address…your age and your name. And they remove all of that data that is exposed by data brokers out there These data brokers they make so much money off of all your information. Yeah…and it's simple steps You submit your information…The experts go and search it and then they remove it from over, because how many different broker sites Oh I have no I no concept. Just take a guess Pick a number…I know I'm gonna be horribly off A thousand. You're close. Okay You're close It's seven hundred and fifty plus sites Yeah Which I'm like, wow That's a lot. Yeah They and get this This was what really made me like this company, is they give you the tools to know how to do it for yourself…Oh wow Okay That's interesting. Yeah So they give you the scaffolding…They tell you how to go where to go…But it takes hours for the average person to just do it for themselves to all these different sites because you have to go to each one individually. So…that's when I like fell in love with the company I was like okay. For the…person who's maybe okay with some of it being out there with some brokers or maybe they don't even they're not out there that much. Yeah And they could just go hit the big ones right away Maybe they can do this by themselves Maybe they have time and they can just do it by themselves Yeah Absolutely And they can save the money. So I love that Delete Me has just given you that option It's out there…They put the guides there. but also like I said, that peace of mind and just knowing that they could take care of all that for a hundred and twenty nine dollars Oh that's that's pretty good. So No That's that's a hundred and twenty nine per year So they basically they basically go back at the beginning of each year or at at the anniversary of each year and just scrub it all over again Is that what they do I guess they must do that So I don't know how much that re…I don't know if it comes back after a year That would be something to do more research on Yeah Like, after so many years, Do you not really need them because you haven't been out there? Yeah I mean and if you're being really careful about how you approach your digital footprint, then maybe you won't maybe you won't be out there very much. I mean I would almost use them if I was getting off of all like, Instagram…I'm on Snapchat and won't tell you what my feed is people, but that's just to reach some kids…Apparently that's where all the cool kids hang out Yeah Apparently. Apparently. And all their friends have tried to friend me That's really weird too. I don't get it. Yeah Anyways. So but if I were to do this, I think that it would be I'm off then. I wouldn't go back on those. The other the other maps Yeah No. I haven't made that jump yet. I've thought about it I have threatened it for a couple of years now. Yeah. I would be interesting to investigate it And see how you how what how it would affect your, you know your in real life Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah. I think for now, I think that's great advice to maybe limit your time That was the other thing We didn't really talk about like, maybe setting a limit on how much you do this Yeah You know that I think that would be important…and there's ways to do that I don't know if you look at you know our daughter, if you're just going to scroll to do it scroll to do it scroll and you're just loving everything. You can do it fifteen minutes You can completely ruin your creepy your feet. Now our daughter has since…really I mean you're talking like That was years ago That was seven years go Yeah Yeah She does not do that anymore No She does not do that anymore…And in fact I think she's probably more removed from social media Then we hon We are at this point. Yeah. Yeah That's pretty funny. So I would say yeah start with limiting…And then I really like that idea Go through and…you know ask yourself Do I really like this content Mhmm. He's just in line with what I thought it was going to be Yeah You remember that old…not super old but that old Netflix show Maria Kondo…Yes Does this spark…So I think if it educates if it inspires if it brings you joy it's it's good you know and it's…it it helps you and it helps I think that's that should be more the purpose of social media Instead of being this you know hey I'm gonna go smash some people You know I'm gonna go tear some people down Hey let's go tear some people down Well you know there are people that get their thrill out of that and that's what makes them feel good And, you know who you are know what drives you and Yeah…But also And maybe even maybe even be kind in your words when you're when you're commenting That's what I was gonna get to Okay…This is my biggest pet peeve people. Alright. Listen. There's this old thing that you're supposed to know if you ever go into management or supervising you…praise in public…and you reprimand in private. And I don't know why these people feel the necessity…to go out there and just air their dirty laundry Oh my goodness And especially if we're related to them and then it comes up I'm like…I don't need to know this Yeah. Yeah I do not need this is not my business. Why are you posting this? And it's not like I need…all butterflies…and roses on my feed… It's not that Like if something happened…and people wanted to post asking for prayers or for help that's one thing. Right? But when you want to like…rat on somebody and…drag them through the mud. In public. In public. Yeah Just no need for it It's so distasteful. Yeah It's like…You don't need to do that Yeah. Yeah You're not scoring any points with any people who care about you and you're not scoring any points about those who don't care about you You're just being silly…with the way you're acting. Yeah And it earns you an unfollow in my book Yeah Absolutely. I know we both Or mute follow people Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure. So and then people ask me have you seen so and so and what's going on Nope. Nope I don't Don't know anymore. Yeah. So this is good stuff…just a quick show today And I was excited to be able to I've been actually wanting to share this with for a long time So I'm glad we finally got a chance You got it on the books Okay. So what are some other things coming up We have one coming up that I…I'm excited for Uh-huh. Do you know why I'm excited ma'am Why? Because…somebody's gonna eat some crow Because you get a chance to trash me…during this. Yes We're gonna be talking about in in one of the next shows about getting stuck in a snow drift because we are on, vacation in Colorado…one year and we have a interesting story about me thinking that a Subaru was better…than it actually is. Oh…no no no. The Subaru was just fine Hey You know I was prepared I could've stayed there all night long if I needed to There there's something about the user…User error Yeah User favorable…Yeah User error Matt…Alright Well hey let's close down this show. So thank you all for for tuning in Genexers we appreciate the or non Genexers. Right? Anybody That have to be Genexers…Anyone can listen It's crazy Right? Anyone could be listening right now So if you're listening thank you so much for listening. Hit that like button…Hello follow. Right. No seriously If you find our content helpful at all it is kind of inspiring to us to kinda see those numbers go up and go oh okay. Guess somebody likes what we're saying Somebody's listening…It's pretty cool. And thanks for all the great feedback we've been getting on some of the episodes this is Awesome. Good stuff And we hope you all are out there enjoying your feeds and being…lifted up. And until the next time. This is Matt Marshall signing off. And Kristen Bye.

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