GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared

Fitness and Training With Bug Out Bags - GXT-EP13

April 29, 2022 GenXTalkin Season 2022 Episode 32
Fitness and Training With Bug Out Bags - GXT-EP13
GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared
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GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared
Fitness and Training With Bug Out Bags - GXT-EP13
Apr 29, 2022 Season 2022 Episode 32

More from GenXTalkin

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Well good day to you Genxers.  Welcome to the Genxtalkin showshow!  I’m Matt Marshall, your host, here to remind us all to keep striving to respond well and recover faster.  And Here’s my co-host, Wilksie himself, Mr Ed Wasson! Ed welcome!!

Ed, on today’s episode, I’d really like to drill into fitness, and in particular “fitness with your bug out bag”.  We’ve talked about this a number of months back, just hitting on the subject.  I do believe it was one of our first episodes.  But I think there’s a lot more we could talk through on this, so I thought we’d throw out a few topics and discuss.

Why is this important?

  • Types of events
    • Snowstorms with stuck car
    • Ice Storm and cannot use roads
    • Out of gas and need to walk somewhere for help
    • Flat tire out on barren roadway
    • Civil Unrest
    • God forbid the “bigun”… EMP or CME

Let’s consider some physical and mental preparation

  • Identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses of self/family
    • Medications/Allergies
    • Physical limitations
    • Can I lift 100 lbs
    • Can I carry 50 lbs for distance on my back
    • Do I have strong self defense
  • Sit Awareness planning
    • Location and likelihood of types of events
    • What terrain might I be dealing with
  • Prioritize your needs

Personal regimens?

  • Wish I could do more
  • Walk 3-6 miles per day in evening
  • Hike whenever possible in different seasons
  • Always looking for a change in scenery
  • Tie in this type of exercise/practice with other things - like taking nature videos
  • Muscle building - very important as the bones start to age
    • Comparing sisters in family
  • Mind building - important as the brain starts to age
    • Comparing family members

What are you doing to prepare yourself to use the CONTENTS of the Get Home Safe kit?

  • How often do you start fires
  • How often do you go camping
  • How often do you test your water filters
  • Do you have a good idea of the shelter system(s) you have and their functionality

Well Ed, a very cool and useful show I think for us and our audience.  Thanks everyone for joining us.  We really appreciate you!

And If we don’t see ya… good afternoon, good evening and good night.

This is GenXTalkin, signing off

Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared

Show Notes Transcript

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Well good day to you Genxers.  Welcome to the Genxtalkin showshow!  I’m Matt Marshall, your host, here to remind us all to keep striving to respond well and recover faster.  And Here’s my co-host, Wilksie himself, Mr Ed Wasson! Ed welcome!!

Ed, on today’s episode, I’d really like to drill into fitness, and in particular “fitness with your bug out bag”.  We’ve talked about this a number of months back, just hitting on the subject.  I do believe it was one of our first episodes.  But I think there’s a lot more we could talk through on this, so I thought we’d throw out a few topics and discuss.

Why is this important?

  • Types of events
    • Snowstorms with stuck car
    • Ice Storm and cannot use roads
    • Out of gas and need to walk somewhere for help
    • Flat tire out on barren roadway
    • Civil Unrest
    • God forbid the “bigun”… EMP or CME

Let’s consider some physical and mental preparation

  • Identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses of self/family
    • Medications/Allergies
    • Physical limitations
    • Can I lift 100 lbs
    • Can I carry 50 lbs for distance on my back
    • Do I have strong self defense
  • Sit Awareness planning
    • Location and likelihood of types of events
    • What terrain might I be dealing with
  • Prioritize your needs

Personal regimens?

  • Wish I could do more
  • Walk 3-6 miles per day in evening
  • Hike whenever possible in different seasons
  • Always looking for a change in scenery
  • Tie in this type of exercise/practice with other things - like taking nature videos
  • Muscle building - very important as the bones start to age
    • Comparing sisters in family
  • Mind building - important as the brain starts to age
    • Comparing family members

What are you doing to prepare yourself to use the CONTENTS of the Get Home Safe kit?

  • How often do you start fires
  • How often do you go camping
  • How often do you test your water filters
  • Do you have a good idea of the shelter system(s) you have and their functionality

Well Ed, a very cool and useful show I think for us and our audience.  Thanks everyone for joining us.  We really appreciate you!

And If we don’t see ya… good afternoon, good evening and good night.

This is GenXTalkin, signing off

Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared

00:00:17 Matt Marshall

Well, good day to you GenXers

00:00:19 Matt Marshall

Welcome to the GenXTalkin show.

00:00:21 Matt Marshall

I'm Matt Marshall your Co host and here to remind us all.

00:00:24 Matt Marshall

To keep striving to respond well and recover faster.

00:00:27 Matt Marshall

Here is my.

00:00:28 Matt Marshall

Other Co host.

00:00:30 Matt Marshall

Wilksie himself Mr Ed Wasson oh.

00:00:34 Ed Wasson

Ed Wasson aka Wilksie 

00:00:36 Ed Wasson

Reminding you to think positive and at GenXTalkin.

00:00:41 Ed Wasson

We want to talk about things to help you prepare to respond well and recover faster.

00:00:48 Matt Marshall

Well, and I've.

00:00:49 Matt Marshall

Got a question?

00:00:50 Matt Marshall

For you today.

00:00:51 Matt Marshall

When we say the term GenXers, what are we meaning?

00:00:55 Matt Marshall

Is that mean the show is?

00:00:56 Matt Marshall

Only for Gen X hours.

00:00:59 Ed Wasson

We are all about diversity and inclusivity.

00:01:02 Ed Wasson

I mean we.

00:01:03 Ed Wasson

Chose the title for GenXers because we ourselves are GenXers.

00:01:07 Ed Wasson

And I think when we were.

00:01:08 Ed Wasson

Talking about it, we were in agreement that our message was probably going to be best received by like minded individuals.

00:01:16 Ed Wasson

So we're talking mostly.

00:01:19 Ed Wasson

Maybe 25 to 50% GenXers but.

00:01:24 Ed Wasson

We do actively seek to bridge those generational gaps and even understand and have dialogue with everybody in all walks of life.

00:01:34 Matt Marshall

You bet I mean, the way I look at it is we are just two Gen X guys talking, but we're always willing to talk with other people whatever generation as long as we're talking about.

00:01:44 Matt Marshall

Preparedness and that can also mean different types of preparedness that could be financial preparedness that could be.

00:01:51 Matt Marshall

Preparing you to protect yourself.

00:01:55 Matt Marshall

How to heal thyself with different medic packs and so on.

00:01:59 Matt Marshall

So there's so many different aspects around preparedness, and I think when we were initiating this whole idea of a podcast, that's where our frame of mind came from.

00:02:08 Matt Marshall

So whoever has ideas on preparedness?

00:02:11 Matt Marshall

Bring it.

00:02:11 Matt Marshall

We'd be happy to talk.

00:02:13 Matt Marshall

So Ed on today's episode.

00:02:15 Matt Marshall

I'd really like to drill into fitness, and in particular fitness around the use.

00:02:21 Matt Marshall

Of your bug out bag.

00:02:24 Matt Marshall

Get home safe kit.

00:02:25 Matt Marshall

Whatever one of the main reasons I.

00:02:28 Matt Marshall

Talk about this.

00:02:28 Matt Marshall

There is a.

00:02:29 Matt Marshall

Book by a pretty famous author.

00:02:32 Matt Marshall

Now his pseudonym.

00:02:34 Matt Marshall

Believe it or not, is a American angry American.

00:02:38 Matt Marshall

It's called going home, and he's the way the story was built.

00:02:43 Matt Marshall

Was a normal everyday guy who's on the road for work.

00:02:49 Matt Marshall

He happens to carry a bug out bag or I'll get home safe kit with him in his bag as he's driving around for work down in the southeast and then event occurs.

00:02:58 Matt Marshall

Doesn't matter what the event is, but somehow he needs to get home.

00:03:02 Matt Marshall

And so he goes through his bag and goes through of this routine and he.

00:03:08 Matt Marshall

Packs everything up into his backpack and starts heading on down the road, walking back home.

00:03:14 Matt Marshall

So this is one of the reasons why.

00:03:16 Matt Marshall

I think.

00:03:17 Matt Marshall

Fitness is so important, so.

00:03:20 Matt Marshall

I kind of broke it up into three or four different little sections here.

00:03:24 Matt Marshall

The first one is why is it important to have fitness and in particular fitness with your bug out bag?

00:03:32 Matt Marshall

I listed a couple of things.

00:03:33 Matt Marshall

Just kind of in my.

00:03:34 Matt Marshall

Mind that I thought you.

00:03:36 Matt Marshall

Could use it for such as.

00:03:38 Matt Marshall

Snow storms.

00:03:40 Matt Marshall

If you're stuck in your car.

00:03:42 Matt Marshall

And I think in the news in the last couple of years we've seen, especially in in places, I think Texas had some scenarios in the last couple of years.

00:03:51 Matt Marshall

Ice storms that are abnormal to your environment.

00:03:55 Matt Marshall

Where you can't use the roads and you want to get home where it's going to be safe and warm and you're going to be more comfortable than you are sitting in your frozen vehicle.

00:04:06 Matt Marshall

Are there some other areas?

00:04:07 Matt Marshall

That you can think about.

00:04:10 Ed Wasson

I'd like to think about fitness and general as well, and that's one of the topics that at Max Bloom and I hit on recently on one of his skuttlebutt lives.

00:04:18 Ed Wasson

I'd mentioned that up to about four or five years ago.

00:04:21 Ed Wasson

I'd been doing half marathons and I completed the baton Death March and things like that and fitness was a big

00:04:30 Ed Wasson

Part of my life and he said.

00:04:32 Ed Wasson

How big a part of your life would you say fitness is?

00:04:36 Ed Wasson

Where would you rank it?

00:04:37 Ed Wasson

And I I said it's probably in the top five most important things in my life right now.

00:04:42 Ed Wasson

I call it like health and fitness and that's one of the things I think.

00:04:48 Ed Wasson

Maybe young people don't consider and they take it for granted because they're young.

00:04:52 Ed Wasson

I mean generally in better shape and and fitness.

00:04:56 Ed Wasson

If they're staying somewhat active whatsoever, but when you get in your 30s.

00:05:01 Ed Wasson

40s, fifties and.

00:05:03 Ed Wasson

You've transitioned from hard skill labor to soft skills, and you're sitting.

00:05:06 Ed Wasson

Most of the day.

00:05:08 Ed Wasson

We forget to.

00:05:09 Ed Wasson

Stay healthy, we forget to eat healthy.

00:05:11 Ed Wasson

And the next thing.

00:05:12 Ed Wasson

You know we're getting sick more often.

00:05:15 Ed Wasson

The other thing is you mentioned snowstorms.

00:05:18 Ed Wasson

There's been two or three incidents in the last year or.

00:05:22 Ed Wasson

So now I think one was in the.

00:05:24 Ed Wasson

Cincinnati area there was another one pretty recently.

00:05:28 Ed Wasson

Pittsburgh something like that.

00:05:29 Ed Wasson

They had snow and fog and they got this massive pilot.

00:05:35 Ed Wasson

Well, yeah, we're out there in the freezing cold for hours.

00:05:41 Ed Wasson

That's a perfect scenario for having your.

00:05:45 Ed Wasson

Get home safe bag.

00:05:46 Ed Wasson

You should have a blanket in there.

00:05:48 Ed Wasson

You should have a first aid kit in there and something like that happened in the Dallas Fort Worth area.

00:05:54 Ed Wasson

I think it is about a year ago.

00:05:56 Ed Wasson

Rain and icy snow and stuff like that and low visibility and there's like 150 car pileup on one of the roads between Fort Worth and Dallas.

00:06:08 Ed Wasson

A few deaths, a lot of the entries they had medevac Kelly copters going around the clock for over a day.

00:06:16 Ed Wasson

People were stuck.

00:06:17 Ed Wasson

There from.

00:06:19 Ed Wasson

Quite a while and it was freezing cold.

00:06:22 Ed Wasson

That's a perfect time to be talking.

00:06:24 Ed Wasson

About fitness and having a bug out bag.

00:06:28 Matt Marshall

Yeah, if if you can envision any of these type of scenarios, snow storm, ice storm etc.

00:06:33 Matt Marshall

I was thinking of some other just much more common flat tire out of gas.

00:06:38 Matt Marshall

Now granted in the city.

00:06:39 Matt Marshall

On the East Coast, it's probably a little less likely, but out where you're living, any place you West of the Mississippi, you're probably much more likely to be on a.

00:06:50 Matt Marshall

Deserted Rd somewhere and you run out of gas. Unfortunately, or on those long I-10 or I-40 trips.

00:06:59 Matt Marshall

When you're 50 miles from the nearest town nearest gas station, whatever it might be, probably less that you would come by these days.

00:07:09 Matt Marshall

But still the possibility of a flat tire or out of gas.

00:07:13 Matt Marshall

First of all, do you know how to change your own flat tire?

00:07:16 Matt Marshall

If not, then you're.

00:07:17 Matt Marshall

Stuck until the next car comes by.

00:07:19 Matt Marshall

So that's a huge issue.

00:07:21 Matt Marshall

And then the other one that I've heard more recently in preparedness communities is civil unrest. We saw it in 2020 in several of the major cities.

00:07:30 Matt Marshall

You saw the vehicle come round the corner and there's a mass of people there and you can't back up because there's cars behind, yet there's no.

00:07:40 Matt Marshall

Left turn so you're.

00:07:41 Matt Marshall

Kind of stuck and you get swarm.

00:07:44 Matt Marshall

You can't take your car unless you've considered that other dramatic decision of running people over, but getting away from your vehicle and getting out of the area is probably.

00:07:57 Matt Marshall

Very difficult so.

00:07:59 Matt Marshall

I I see personally there's several different scenarios where this can happen, and to be prepared not only with your bug out bag with your get home safe kit, but also be able to carry that sucker as far as.

00:08:12 Matt Marshall

You need to.

00:08:12 Matt Marshall

Walk, you know.

00:08:14 Matt Marshall

So I think that's important.

00:08:16 Matt Marshall

Yeah, imagine.

00:08:18 Ed Wasson

China, for example, is suspected to be pushing out hundreds of millions of migrant workers all over the world, and they form large communities.

00:08:28 Ed Wasson

And for the most part, nobody sees them or knows who they are eating in a lot of places they're basically working in sweatshops and what the Chinese culture considers 990.

00:08:38 Ed Wasson

That 996 is from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM at least six days a week. These guys are making knock off my GS or whatever Thessalonica Greece in.

00:08:50 Ed Wasson

A sub are both.

00:08:51 Ed Wasson

Milan, Italy in Barcelona.

00:08:53 Ed Wasson

If one day you're touring around, say anywhere, and the next thing?

00:08:57 Ed Wasson

You know all of these?

00:08:59 Ed Wasson

Sweatshop labor forces wherever they're from.

00:09:02 Ed Wasson

They get woke and they decide.

00:09:04 Ed Wasson

Hey wait a second I.

00:09:05 Ed Wasson

Demand some rights that I'm not working at least 12 hours a day, at least six days a week.

00:09:12 Ed Wasson

For people like let's say, friends of the Bidens to be rich off of this.

00:09:19 Ed Wasson

And I don't know why there isn't more outrage about this, specially when you're considering child labor at a cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo I suspect.

00:09:31 Ed Wasson

That we're just moments away from possibly having a big wake up moment and having a lot of different large groups come out of the woodwork, and you could be anywhere and say all of a sudden.

00:09:42 Ed Wasson

Where did all these people come from?

00:09:45 Ed Wasson

And you've got to go get out and do something because you're going to.

00:09:48 Ed Wasson

Feel threatened or.

00:09:49 Ed Wasson

Intimidated and then when you get out?

00:09:51 Ed Wasson

With your go bag.

00:09:53 Ed Wasson

They're probably going to come run an.

00:09:54 Ed Wasson

Edge and say, hey, I've made that go bag.

00:09:56 Matt Marshall

Yeah, which I mean.

00:09:57 Matt Marshall

That also brings up the the concept of security and preparedness and security.

00:10:01 Matt Marshall

Of course, right?

00:10:02 Matt Marshall

So let's consider some of the physical and mental preparedness side of.

00:10:06 Matt Marshall

Things, and this comes back.

00:10:08 Matt Marshall

You putting stuff in your bag, then in your vehicle that can help you.

00:10:13 Matt Marshall

One is consider identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses of yourself or your family unit that might be in the vehicle with you or traveling with you in some other way.

00:10:22 Matt Marshall

And initially it starts with medications and allergies and physical limitations that.

00:10:28 Matt Marshall

Family members might have can I lift 100 pounds? Can I carry £50 on my back for a distance like a a four or five mile or Six Mile hike type of thing? Do I have strong self defense?

00:10:43 Matt Marshall

And that's a big one.

00:10:44 Matt Marshall

I think for a lot of people they think.

00:10:47 Matt Marshall

If I just carry my concealed carry with me, or if I carry this weapon, but if you don't have the experience in self defense.

00:10:56 Matt Marshall

Then are you really going to be able to use those effectively?

00:11:01 Matt Marshall

But there's an actual lethal weapon versus a non lethal.

00:11:04 Matt Marshall

Either one of them you still need to be able to know how to use them, and if you don't have them with you.

00:11:10 Matt Marshall

You need to be able to use your own hands, feet, knees, elbows, etc.

00:11:15 Matt Marshall

So what are your thoughts on those areas?

00:11:18 Ed Wasson

Well, I actually think about that a lot more frequently.

00:11:21 Ed Wasson

Our oldest daughter for Baby Daddy and their kids are our grandkids, so I went ahead and I got them a.

00:11:31 Ed Wasson

A bug out bag.

00:11:33 Ed Wasson

So we got that out for them.

00:11:34 Ed Wasson

Because I know we lane.

00:11:36 Ed Wasson

She's scrappy and she's tough and resilient and.

00:11:40 Ed Wasson

She can get that.

00:11:41 Ed Wasson

Stroller put baby Jim in the stroller.

00:11:45 Ed Wasson

Throw her.

00:11:47 Ed Wasson

Diaper nappy bag and her purse or whatever on one shoulder.

00:11:51 Ed Wasson

And then if.

00:11:52 Ed Wasson

They're stuck somewhere.

00:11:53 Ed Wasson

Let's just say they're driving around somewhere and.

00:11:56 Ed Wasson

Then they end up.

00:11:56 Ed Wasson

Being 3 to 5 miles from anywhere.

00:12:00 Ed Wasson

I know that Josh can fill this bug out bag on his back and he can carry J.

00:12:07 Ed Wasson

And they can walk if they had to at least three to five miles to get to safety.

00:12:12 Ed Wasson

And what's in this bag?

00:12:14 Ed Wasson

Whether they wanted to carry it with them or not, especially, let's say it's raining or it's cold, there's going to be wet weather gear.

00:12:20 Ed Wasson

And here there's going to be warm weather gear.

00:12:23 Ed Wasson

I've got a utility knife to go for them.

00:12:27 Ed Wasson

A Gerber knife tool for them and.

00:12:31 Ed Wasson

First aid and everything like that and Lane's going to have per medical items.

00:12:36 Ed Wasson

That she needs.

00:12:38 Ed Wasson

So that gives me Peace of Mind.

00:12:40 Ed Wasson

Once I get this put together and I get this to them.

00:12:42 Ed Wasson

My only concern is.

00:12:45 Ed Wasson

Does Josh have?

00:12:46 Ed Wasson

On good walking shoes?

00:12:47 Ed Wasson

Or is he in flip flops and he wasn't driving and he's just kicking at some drinks.

00:12:53 Ed Wasson

'cause that might inhibit him a little bit, but.

00:12:55 Ed Wasson

I'm just thinking.

00:12:56 Ed Wasson

Outside the box, if they're really off the road and they went fishing somewhere or whatever, you never can tell there's.

00:13:02 Ed Wasson

Coyotes out there.

00:13:03 Ed Wasson

Other things they're going to have a thing pepper spray in here so they're going to have non lethal stuff in here.

00:13:08 Ed Wasson

I'm not giving them a firearm if they want to get something like that.

00:13:11 Ed Wasson

That's on mill, but I'll have something like.

00:13:13 Ed Wasson

Pepper spray in there.

00:13:14 Ed Wasson

But I need someone percent of.

00:13:16 Ed Wasson

The time wolves and things.

00:13:17 Ed Wasson

Like that or coyotes is what you find out.

00:13:20 Ed Wasson

Here they see you even.

00:13:21 Ed Wasson

If they're in a pack.

00:13:22 Ed Wasson

They usually run the other way, but.

00:13:24 Ed Wasson

I had a friend and.

00:13:25 Ed Wasson

He got stuck.

00:13:26 Ed Wasson

And he tried to hitchhike.

00:13:28 Ed Wasson

He was just outside of Ocala, FL.

00:13:31 Ed Wasson

And he tried to hitchhike from where he broke down back to Ocala.

00:13:36 Ed Wasson

And a truckload of guys stopped and instead of picking him up, they.

00:13:42 Ed Wasson

Beat him up.

00:13:45 Ed Wasson

For nothing.

00:13:47 Ed Wasson

Didn't steal anything from him or anything else.

00:13:50 Ed Wasson

And it was over literally nothing.

00:13:53 Ed Wasson

Never saw him before.

00:13:55 Ed Wasson

He never saw them before they saw a stranded motorist.

00:13:58 Ed Wasson

Granted that this is an extremely rare situation, but

00:14:04 Ed Wasson

Kids drinking or whatever the situation is something like that is not outside of the realm of possibility.

00:14:11 Matt Marshall

I I don't.

00:14:12 Matt Marshall

Know it, I would disagree with you.

00:14:14 Matt Marshall

I guess I have not seen the statistics on it.

00:14:17 Matt Marshall

But we're seeing more and more in the news.

00:14:21 Matt Marshall

Scenarios I just saw one a couple of nights.

00:14:23 Matt Marshall

Ago, where a group of kids.

00:14:27 Matt Marshall

Just started beating up an old lady, yeah and when she tried to run away they chased her down and beat her some more.

00:14:37 Matt Marshall

And you're sitting here going. What goes through a person's mind when that's your best fun that you can have in the day?

00:14:47 Ed Wasson

There was a spat.

00:14:48 Ed Wasson

I don't know if it's still going on.

00:14:50 Ed Wasson

Hopefully it's not because I know they've caught some of the guys that were doing this, so I think it was.

00:14:55 Ed Wasson

About four or five years ago they were getting their cell phones and they were actually videoing this and it actually posting it on YouTube.

00:15:02 Ed Wasson

Yep, they would sneak up behind somebody and sucker.

00:15:06 Ed Wasson

Punch them and try to knock them.

00:15:08 Matt Marshall

Out, yeah, there's another one going on.

00:15:10 Matt Marshall

It's been going on for about two or three years now.

00:15:13 Matt Marshall

We actually have some banks that we work.

00:15:15 Matt Marshall

Within the New York City area, it's common for people to, I think they call them.

00:15:21 Matt Marshall

I mean, I can think of no other term besides slashing.

00:15:24 Matt Marshall

Basically they just come up to people and.

00:15:26 Matt Marshall

Just cut them across the face for no reason.

00:15:30 Matt Marshall

They just come up to a person and just slice them across the face so the base we're asking us in their environment.

00:15:36 Matt Marshall

They'll do it often times they'll do it in an ATM vestibule, 'cause that's a closed area where they can attack a person and get up close.

00:15:44 Matt Marshall

Relatively easy and.

00:15:46 Matt Marshall

It's incredible, they just come up and slash a person for no reason and so why a lot of people walking around in New York have their face repaired from those type of events.

00:15:57 Matt Marshall

So that was going on for years.

00:16:13 Matt Marshall

I mentioned the civil unrest type of scenarios and and if you're in the middle of a downtown area, now granted the the dude we saw back in 2020 that got or multiple people kind of attacked in there.

00:16:24 Matt Marshall

Vehicle, one of those events wasn't an Uber driver and.

00:16:27 Matt Marshall

He's meant to be.

00:16:29 Matt Marshall

Downtown moving around, picking people up, and so on.

00:16:31 Matt Marshall

So he wasn't.

00:16:32 Matt Marshall

Just down there ignorantly but situational awareness is a big part of knowing whether you should or shouldn't go into a specific area.

00:16:41 Matt Marshall

Or maybe you should turn around much.

00:16:44 Matt Marshall

Sooner than you thought.

00:16:45 Matt Marshall

You should, but paying attention to news, paying attention to just events that are going on.

00:16:52 Matt Marshall

I think it situational awareness is.

00:16:54 Matt Marshall

A big part of.

00:16:55 Matt Marshall

Keeping yourself out of trouble so you don't have to use the get home safe bag and rely so heavily on you.

00:17:02 Matt Marshall

But I mean like.

00:17:03 Ed Wasson

You were going back to your core message here with fitness about it.

00:17:06 Ed Wasson

I think anybody that's into self reliance and prepping and they have a go bag.

00:17:13 Ed Wasson

I'm hoping that at least a couple of times a month they're putting 10 or £20 on on them and walking two to four miles.

00:17:24 Matt Marshall

That's actually perfect that you brought that up.

00:17:26 Matt Marshall

It doesn't have to be necessarily with a bug out bag, but what kind of things do you do Ed to keep yourself in shape and bring yourself back?

00:17:34 Ed Wasson

Yeah, we've been eating.

00:17:35 Ed Wasson

A little bit more solid type stuff to have it a little bit more balanced and have our greens and everything else like that.

00:17:40 Ed Wasson

We typically take a daily vitamin.

00:17:43 Ed Wasson

We've got those emergency type drinks where we have extra vitamin C if we need it.

00:17:49 Ed Wasson

We've been cutting back on Cokes and sugary drinks, and we've pretty much almost completely eliminated fast food.

00:17:58 Ed Wasson

Except maybe once a week.

00:18:00 Ed Wasson

We'll have spaghetti or something from a local restaurant, and it's not really fast food, but it's still not home cooked it in the house.

00:18:08 Ed Wasson

We gotta.

00:18:09 Ed Wasson

Deal on an elliptical, so we've got a cheap elliptical in here, but it actually works and it can work out pretty well.

00:18:14 Ed Wasson

You're moving your arms and you have a little bit of an incline as well, so you can adjust that.

00:18:19 Ed Wasson

We have almost like a peloton type bike.

00:18:22 Ed Wasson

Another deal that we got so we were able to get a stationary bike that was pretty cheap and another deal on a water rowing machine.

00:18:32 Ed Wasson

Oh yeah, that particular rowing machine was going to go out, so we've had it for almost three years now.

00:18:37 Ed Wasson

It works freaking great.

00:18:39 Ed Wasson

And then in.

00:18:40 Ed Wasson

Another small area we come up against, the wall.

00:18:42 Ed Wasson

We have one of the versions of the OH Flex and we have some free weights.

00:18:49 Ed Wasson

So that's here at the house.

00:18:50 Ed Wasson

And then we're doing a hybrid model at work and either at work or just out in the community about once a week.

00:18:58 Ed Wasson

I get out do.

00:19:00 Ed Wasson

Oh, usually one to two hour walk.

00:19:04 Ed Wasson

Usually got scout with media and stuff like that, so I'm either on the treadmill.

00:19:09 Ed Wasson

Doing something on my legs yet the elliptical bike.

00:19:14 Ed Wasson

Oh and not a stair stepper, but we have step.

00:19:17 Ed Wasson

So you can.

00:19:17 Ed Wasson

Do step workout.

00:19:18 Ed Wasson

I have a whole step workout routine that I learned while is in the.

00:19:21 Ed Wasson

Law enforcement Academy.

00:19:22 Ed Wasson

So there's a.

00:19:23 Ed Wasson

Lot of stuff that I'm doing with.

00:19:24 Ed Wasson

Logs plus with free.

00:19:25 Ed Wasson

Weights you can just do real short.

00:19:28 Ed Wasson

Weight free wind sprints, jump rope or walks with free weights in your hands and just walk 20 yards one way and 20 yards back with 20 to 40 pounds in each hand.

00:19:41 Matt Marshall

Are you talking like the farmers carry?

00:19:43 Matt Marshall

Yeah, that's a really good one there.

00:19:45 Ed Wasson

That's a good one plus.

00:19:46 Ed Wasson

I'll do that on the stepper.

00:19:48 Ed Wasson

But yes, it's a really, really good workout for your legs, and eventually you have to have some weight on your shoulders, because if you have your gold bag, it's typically going to be in a little backpack on your shoulders.

00:20:03 Ed Wasson

No matter how strong you are, the rest of your body is going to be able to walk 4 to 8 miles or whatever. With that, go back. Let's say it's a 2030.

00:20:12 Ed Wasson

Pound go back but.

00:20:14 Ed Wasson

Those straps they start to really annoy your shoulders.

00:20:19 Ed Wasson

Hear of Shakey's disappear.

00:20:23 Speaker 1


00:20:23 Matt Marshall

So the only augmented thing is now we don't have too many of the equipment that you all have, so that's a great benefit that you all have.

00:20:31 Matt Marshall

We have membership at the Y locally, I'll usually go.

00:20:34 Matt Marshall

Do a swim hoping to get back into it. We used to do some triathlons so I've got this regimen of swim for 1/2 hour bike for an hour.

00:20:43 Matt Marshall

Blue sauna for 1/2 hour. That really gives you a lot of cardio workout. Muscle building, especially the type of swimming that I do. I'll have the paddles and the and the pull buoys and the.

00:20:54 Matt Marshall

Kick boards, things like that so you can really focus on specific muscles when you're doing that, but you brought up a really good point and that's muscle.

00:21:01 Matt Marshall

Building my wife just started going back to the gym for some.

00:21:06 Matt Marshall

I think it's called body sculpt or some like body pump.

00:21:09 Matt Marshall

It's this like hit class high interval that is a really good class because you don't have to sit there and do like massive heavy heavy weights.

00:21:11 Speaker 1


00:21:18 Matt Marshall

They're lightweights, but that's constant movement, so you're definitely building the muscle, especially for the good majority of our audience.

00:21:24 Matt Marshall

I'm guessing in the more Gen X.

00:21:26 Matt Marshall

Stage of life.

00:21:28 Matt Marshall

Your muscle capacity goes down really, really fast.

00:21:32 Matt Marshall

Your ability to build that muscle, and if you lose the muscle, it'll be so much harder for you to recover in situations like if you fall, you don't have the muscle structure to to support your skeletal structure.

00:21:46 Matt Marshall

You're going to get more injured or injured.

00:21:48 Matt Marshall

A lot faster.

00:21:49 Ed Wasson

For me, fitness.

00:21:50 Ed Wasson

Had to be part of life.

00:21:52 Ed Wasson

Almost a daily regimen.

00:21:53 Ed Wasson

There was a time I was working out almost seven days a week and then it was six.

00:21:58 Ed Wasson

And right now I'm at about 5:00 but.

00:22:01 Ed Wasson

I don't think that there's been.

00:22:04 Ed Wasson

More than a.

00:22:04 Ed Wasson

Week at a time in the last.

00:22:06 Ed Wasson

30 years that I have.

00:22:09 Ed Wasson

Not had.

00:22:11 Ed Wasson

At least two or three workouts in.

00:22:13 Matt Marshall

A week that's great.

00:22:14 Matt Marshall

The only other thing I noticed in some of your social media posts and things that you initially tend to go hiking a bit with scout to kind of get him out and about.

00:22:25 Matt Marshall

It seems, but being able to do.

00:22:28 Matt Marshall

Three to six miles or something like that. I I don't know that you're necessarily carrying much with you, but even just occasionally throwing a backpack on there that has £1015.00 a gallon of water and one of your camelbacks. That's one of the things that Kristen and I do quite a bit almost every day we're out. We walk about 3 to 6 miles.

00:22:49 Matt Marshall

And when we can, we go to a local area where there's some dirt trails.

00:22:53 Matt Marshall

Mountain biking group here.

00:22:55 Matt Marshall

Kind of built these off trail areas and just great place to do hilly type of hikes.

00:23:01 Matt Marshall

So those are some of the.

00:23:02 Matt Marshall

Most muscle building and the regular hikes if you.

00:23:05 Matt Marshall

Can throw something on your back.

00:23:07 Matt Marshall

You know to the audience.

00:23:08 Matt Marshall

That's also a great way of adding to your regimen.

00:23:11 Ed Wasson

Yeah, that's what I was going to say is I was going to say we don't hike.

00:23:14 Ed Wasson

Technically I would.

00:23:15 Ed Wasson

Say it's more of like a walk.

00:23:16 Ed Wasson

I do have the backpack niche.

00:23:18 Ed Wasson

Usually not carrying much.

00:23:19 Ed Wasson

But I have a backpack, usually with just water and some stuff for scout in there.

00:23:28 Matt Marshall

Well hey there, Jen Exerce Ed and I wanted to introduce you to pack Rabbit, our newest affiliate group.

00:23:37 Matt Marshall

Pack Rabbit grew from one person's desire to craft a healthier and more efficient way to carry a pack.

00:23:45 Matt Marshall

Now pack Rabbit is a small company made up of entrepreneurs, hunters, athletes.

00:23:51 Matt Marshall

Military and outdoor enthusiasts.

00:23:57 Matt Marshall

Their designs are influenced by diverse backgrounds and personal experiences that tilt them heavily towards simplicity and utility.

00:24:11 Matt Marshall

Pack Rabbit believes that multifunctionality is not a condition of luxury, but an absolute necessity.

00:24:22 Matt Marshall

One key aspect of several of their backpacks is.

00:24:25 Matt Marshall

A folding shelf?

00:24:27 Matt Marshall

That turns into a rather comfy seat.

00:24:30 Matt Marshall

When out on the trail.

00:24:34 Matt Marshall

We invite you to check them out.

00:24:36 Matt Marshall

The link for their website is in the show notes.

00:24:46 Matt Marshall

So let's talk about.

00:24:47 Matt Marshall

One more area before we go into party shots.

00:24:49 Matt Marshall

There's a lot of contents in a get home safe kit.

00:24:54 Matt Marshall

Is there anything that you do on a regular basis or do you rely on more of your military law enforcement background to think about and become more familiar with the contents?

00:25:05 Matt Marshall

Of your bug out or get home safe kit.

00:25:09 Ed Wasson

Now I'm relying more on the military experience and for my bug out bag.

00:25:14 Ed Wasson

I want a few things, so I want about 3 days of food and I've got one right here as a matter fact.

00:25:21 Ed Wasson

So something like I asked.

00:25:25 Ed Wasson

This is going to keep you.

00:25:27 Ed Wasson

Alive at least three 345 days. So you.

00:25:32 Ed Wasson

Have a couple of.

00:25:32 Ed Wasson

These just so.

00:25:33 Matt Marshall

People listening can understand that's the emergency rations from Datrex and I always think of Samwise.

00:25:40 Matt Marshall

Gamgee, you know the little leaflet or things he keeps in the Leafs and the Elvin bread. And I always think of those because those things have. It's something like 3800 calories for a little four by two size.

00:25:54 Matt Marshall

Cake, you know?

00:25:56 Ed Wasson

Yeah, so this is like your dungeons and Dragons pouch of endless system, that's all.

00:26:01 Ed Wasson

I remember that.

00:26:02 Matt Marshall

I remember, yeah.

00:26:05 Ed Wasson

Max Bloom somebody in.

00:26:07 Ed Wasson

This audience has to question and it is similar to dungeons traces in.

00:26:11 Ed Wasson

Max and I.

00:26:11 Ed Wasson

Was like, yeah?

00:26:13 Ed Wasson

Matt and I used to play Dungeons and Dragons.

00:26:15 Ed Wasson

Way back in the back in 85.

00:26:16 Matt Marshall

Wade India yeah?

00:26:18 Ed Wasson

And I think.

00:26:19 Ed Wasson

That blew away some of his listeners.

00:26:20 Matt Marshall

You get the level of respect when you.

00:26:22 Matt Marshall

Talk about Dungeons and Dragons.

00:26:23 Ed Wasson

They heard me say.

00:26:25 Ed Wasson

That I had a.

00:26:26 Ed Wasson

10th Level Hobbit Thief and a 14th Level Valley elf Ranger. And they went nuts. I said Matt and used to have like a tint level Paladin, F8 flat low cleric and we would just go into a village and just.

00:26:36 Matt Marshall

Oh yeah, paladin.

00:26:43 Ed Wasson

Barnstorm oh

00:26:44 Matt Marshall

Oh yeah.

00:26:45 Ed Wasson

All those dice baby natural 20.

00:26:50 Matt Marshall

Man, that's crazy crazy.

00:26:52 Matt Marshall

Old times I.

00:26:53 Ed Wasson

Mean this pack?

00:26:54 Ed Wasson

Right here you'd have.

00:26:56 Ed Wasson

Your core fundamentals, water, food, shelter, so stay warm and dry.

00:27:02 Ed Wasson

Stay hydrated.

00:27:04 Ed Wasson

Have a little.

00:27:04 Ed Wasson

Bit of food and first aid.

00:27:06 Ed Wasson

Easy got little first aid pack.

00:27:09 Ed Wasson

Elaine can have her medical supplies in there as well.

00:27:12 Ed Wasson

Say you have pets.

00:27:13 Ed Wasson

We've got to have stuff for scouts, so we've got a small pouch of food for him that will last him at least three days.

00:27:20 Ed Wasson

Cat's not going to be with us. I have friends that were upset.

00:27:24 Ed Wasson

That if we had to bug.

00:27:25 Ed Wasson

Out that we were leaving the cat.

00:27:26 Ed Wasson

I'm like dude, this cat is not coming with us.

00:27:29 Ed Wasson

It's not on us, but the cat doesn't want to.

00:27:32 Ed Wasson

Go look at this, trust me.

00:27:34 Ed Wasson

We can't get the cat in a cat carrier.

00:27:36 Ed Wasson

It's like pulling teeth to get her to the veterinary.

00:27:39 Ed Wasson

If she ever needs any shots or whatever, so the cats stay in here.

00:27:42 Ed Wasson

Sorry, we've got scalp but also for like Elaine and Josh.

00:27:47 Ed Wasson

They've got two babies with them so.

00:27:51 Ed Wasson

Elaine's gonna have her diaper knapsack.

00:27:53 Ed Wasson

'cause she's going to have to.

00:27:54 Ed Wasson

Have her baby formula.

00:27:57 Ed Wasson

Things like that.

00:27:58 Ed Wasson

Diapers, wipes.

00:28:00 Ed Wasson

When you're.

00:28:01 Ed Wasson

A parent of babies.

00:28:04 Ed Wasson

They're going to mess up a diaper at least three times a day, so you gotta have to have at least nine diapers, a whole bunch of wipes, maybe some baby powder, maybe some ointment.

00:28:15 Ed Wasson

You're out in the wild, so you're going to need some Neosporin or Benadryl cream or something like that in case you run into something that's irritating your skin.

00:28:24 Ed Wasson

Yeah, basic first aid stuff, Band-aids, stuff like all of that can **** in a small thing with a little bit of food.

00:28:31 Ed Wasson

A little bit of those survival water pouches.

00:28:34 Ed Wasson

And you can be.

00:28:35 Ed Wasson

Under £35 and you should be able to hike with that.

00:28:39 Ed Wasson

Three to 10 miles pretty easily.

00:28:42 Ed Wasson

I mean, if you're exhausted at the end of that.

00:28:45 Ed Wasson

It it needs to.

00:28:46 Ed Wasson

Be because you're either in harsh environment like the desert or the mountains, and you're going up and down heels or something like that.

00:28:52 Ed Wasson

Uh, John flat ground.

00:28:53 Ed Wasson

And at the end of a tymal hike with 35 pounds on your smoked. I don't care. How old you are if you're an able bodied person under 50 or 60, you have to reevaluate and start.

00:29:04 Ed Wasson

Building up your core muscles and just your basic walking ability, I've got an uncle that's in his 80s and he can do at least the 18 hole round of golf.

00:29:15 Ed Wasson

Every day.

00:29:16 Matt Marshall

Yeah, so and that's no slouch of walking.

00:29:18 Matt Marshall

That's a lot of of walking and moving around.

00:29:21 Matt Marshall

Even if you have a cart that's still a lot of walking 'cause you gotta get out to the to the Tees down the fairways, things like that.

00:29:28 Ed Wasson

What do you got in your package yet?

00:29:29 Matt Marshall

And yeah I I thought about a few different things.

00:29:32 Matt Marshall

There's being able to start fires.

00:29:36 Matt Marshall

It I think is a big thing now.

00:29:38 Matt Marshall

Granted, most of the time, if you're stuck out in the middle of the forest or something like that which a lot of people don't.

00:29:43 Matt Marshall

Really think much about but.

00:29:46 Matt Marshall

Being able to provide fire fire provides heat there for warmth.

00:29:50 Matt Marshall

It can help you cook things.

00:29:52 Matt Marshall

It can sanitize water for you.

00:29:55 Matt Marshall

There's so much that you can do with fire besides just burn things.

00:29:59 Matt Marshall

Just all sorts of different uses.

00:30:00 Matt Marshall

Go camping on an occasional basis.

00:30:03 Matt Marshall

You know some people don't like the roughing it camping, where you're.

00:30:06 Matt Marshall

Hiking up 4 miles to camp in a remote place, even if you're just going with your vehicle camping.

00:30:14 Matt Marshall

Still try to dig into your pack and use different things in your pack in different ways.

00:30:19 Matt Marshall

Practice on a fire pit if you have a fire pit or a fireplace inside your house.

00:30:24 Matt Marshall

Practice using your water filters.

00:30:26 Matt Marshall

I got one of those lifestraw water filters at one point time.

00:30:33 Matt Marshall

I found that it was really.

00:30:34 Matt Marshall

Really hard to use.

00:30:36 Matt Marshall

The first time you've actually got to put.

00:30:39 Matt Marshall

Like 3 gallons of water through the lifestraw.

00:30:41 Matt Marshall

The first time you use it before it's actually functional for you and I never knew that until I started using one of those things.

00:30:48 Matt Marshall

Now I don't think Lifestraw is the best option for you.

00:30:50 Matt Marshall

I prefer some people.

00:30:52 Matt Marshall

Pronounce him cadyn, but some who are.

00:30:56 Matt Marshall

Appalachian Trail hikers Katahdin.

00:30:58 Matt Marshall

But anyways, those katadyn filters are water pump filters.

00:31:02 Matt Marshall

I have a little hiker pro, one that's perfect, works great for me and I throw it in my pack.

00:31:07 Matt Marshall

All the time and then having some sort of shelter system.

00:31:10 Matt Marshall

You mentioned the warm weather gear.

00:31:12 Matt Marshall

Different cold weather gear depending.

00:31:13 Matt Marshall

On what season it is?

00:31:15 Matt Marshall

I read recently on another social media post they use Easter and Halloween as the two times that they trade out items in their backpacks refresh food items.

00:31:26 Matt Marshall

They trade out clothing for summer or warm weather gear.

00:31:29 Matt Marshall

In October.

00:31:30 Matt Marshall

They trade it out for cold weather gear and you just pick a date and then have to be Easter and.

00:31:35 Matt Marshall

And Halloween, but that just happens to work for them.

00:31:38 Matt Marshall

You make some days that are somewhere around spring.

00:31:42 Matt Marshall

It all comes back to the.

00:31:45 Matt Marshall

Things we've talked about multiple times, which is the rule of threes, water, food, shelter, thinking about, preparedness in those terms makes it really, really simple.

00:31:55 Matt Marshall

To prepare your.

00:31:56 Matt Marshall

Pack and hopefully practice the items with the items in your pack on a regular basis.

00:32:19 Matt Marshall

I I saw two different bags in the last couple of months.

00:32:23 Matt Marshall

I've been looking.

00:32:24 Matt Marshall

One had this protective pocket right up against the back.

00:32:28 Matt Marshall

There was padding against your back, but it had Velcro on.

00:32:31 Matt Marshall

The inside of it.

00:32:33 Matt Marshall

So that you could Velcro your conceal carry inside of that and it's always in a position that you unzip reach inside that.

00:32:39 Matt Marshall

Heck, you have access to your pistol, so that's one thing that I thought was awesome.

00:32:43 Matt Marshall

And then there's another one that fieldcraft survival went through.

00:32:47 Matt Marshall

It's more.

00:32:48 Matt Marshall

Of a duffel.

00:32:48 Matt Marshall

Bag and it has a special pocket.

00:32:51 Matt Marshall

If you can imagine that you can normally zip open, uh, a duffel bag.

00:32:55 Matt Marshall

But it has this side pocket that you can slide a folding stock short barrel AR into and what you do is you fold.

00:33:04 Matt Marshall

The stock to one of the ends of the duffel bag it's actually really quite ingenious.

00:33:08 Matt Marshall

How they did that then?

00:33:10 Matt Marshall

Of course, with that duffel bag, it's got shoulder straps that are tucked into a pocket as well.

00:33:15 Matt Marshall

So there's different ways of looking at it.

00:33:18 Matt Marshall

That's more of a get home safe.

00:33:19 Matt Marshall

The backpack is more of a bug out bag.

00:33:23 Matt Marshall

Maybe get home safe.

00:33:24 Ed Wasson

Type of kit regardless of what?

00:33:26 Ed Wasson

Situation you're in.

00:33:28 Ed Wasson

If you do have a firearm on you and you have a concealed carrier, you gotta keep weapons safety and weaponry kitchen tantamount in your mind.

00:33:36 Ed Wasson

You gotta know where it's at all times you gotta be aware of your surroundings, especially if there's people around you.

00:33:42 Ed Wasson

In some ways I'm OK with open carry, but in other ways.

00:33:48 Ed Wasson

Especially for civilians, I think concealed carry is best and even some off duty police.

00:33:54 Ed Wasson

There's police officers in some towns.

00:33:57 Ed Wasson

Or even if you're on duty.

00:34:00 Ed Wasson

You go into.

00:34:01 Ed Wasson

The only open restaurant on the graveyard shift or something like that, and it's on another side of town where they don't allow anybody to include.

00:34:12 Ed Wasson

Law enforcement on duty to carry firearms.

00:34:14 Ed Wasson

So there's all kinds of different.

00:34:15 Ed Wasson

Scenarios out there in.

00:34:17 Ed Wasson

You've got to mentally prepare yourself and Taylor.

00:34:23 Ed Wasson

Your bug out bag, especially if you have any weapons in there to your particular jurisdictions legal requirements.

00:34:32 Matt Marshall

That's one of the reasons why it's good to actually include some non lethal type of weaponry as well, like that first strike, tactical whip or kubaton or like you said, the pepper gel pepper spray.

00:34:43 Matt Marshall

Type of canisters.

00:34:45 Matt Marshall

All perfect examples of that so.

00:34:47 Ed Wasson

Little squirt of pepper spray.

00:34:49 Ed Wasson

I'm not quite sure why, but I don't think it really affects animals that much, but they see you pull out something specially dogs like.

00:34:56 Ed Wasson

If you run into a wild dog.

00:34:58 Ed Wasson

They see you pull something out of your backpack and a lot of the times.

00:35:01 Ed Wasson

Are like wait a second.

00:35:02 Ed Wasson

What's the skinny went out?

00:35:03 Ed Wasson

Of his backpack.

00:35:04 Ed Wasson

I think they pick up on your body posture.

00:35:06 Ed Wasson

If you bend down like you're going to pick up a rock, they just know and they start like he's picking up a rock.

00:35:12 Ed Wasson

He's about to walk me, yeah, but you.

00:35:14 Ed Wasson

Pull out your pepper spray and even if it doesn't get them.

00:35:18 Ed Wasson

And it doesn't do much to him.

00:35:19 Ed Wasson

'cause if it does get him noticed symbol and and just come out turn around.

00:35:24 Ed Wasson

And run away.

00:35:25 Ed Wasson

I don't think it bothers.

00:35:26 Ed Wasson

Him that much, but you just pull it.

00:35:28 Ed Wasson

Out and there's a lot of critters.

00:35:30 Ed Wasson

That that'll just turn around and run away.

00:35:32 Ed Wasson

I don't know about bears.

00:35:34 Ed Wasson

I don't have any experience with that, so I don't know about that.

00:35:36 Ed Wasson

But dogs and other stuff I've shooed him away with a little squirt of pepper spray.

00:35:41 Matt Marshall

So let me ask you.

00:35:41 Matt Marshall

This what's your thought on comparing pepper spray versus pepper gel?

00:35:47 Matt Marshall

Have you ever used pepper gel?

00:35:50 Ed Wasson

I personally have never used Hypar Jill, but they did train us on a variety of different things in the Academy.

00:35:58 Ed Wasson

And in the military.

00:35:59 Ed Wasson

Regardless of what your mission role is going to, because we deployed like this in Iraq the last time when we did detainee operations.

00:36:06 Ed Wasson

In a lot of other places, you're going to get pepper sprayed.

00:36:09 Ed Wasson

They have that as part of their training.

00:36:11 Ed Wasson

He there's three main types.

00:36:13 Ed Wasson

There's the stream.

00:36:15 Ed Wasson

There's the spray mist, and there's a gel or foam.

00:36:19 Ed Wasson

They usually qualify you on the stream, and they do that by the guy gets in front of me and goes.

00:36:27 Ed Wasson

In here, she's supposed to go.

00:36:29 Ed Wasson

The top of your eye across to the other.

00:36:32 Ed Wasson

And it you only need just the.

00:36:34 Ed Wasson

Slightest touch of this stuff anywhere.

00:36:36 Ed Wasson

On your face, and you're instantly goofed.

00:36:38 Ed Wasson

Up, yeah the the streams.

00:36:42 Ed Wasson

Very well and they're very targeted and generally.

00:36:47 Ed Wasson

You're going to hit your target in the second.

00:36:50 Ed Wasson

You hit that target.

00:36:51 Ed Wasson

They're going to be incapacitated for probably a good 30 seconds or so.

00:36:55 Ed Wasson

You're going to be able to manage the situation, either run away or put them in handcuffs, or get control of situation or whatever.

00:37:03 Ed Wasson

The spray mist, especially if you're outdoors.

00:37:08 Ed Wasson

If a little bit of a breeze kicks up and you spray it at somebody this way and that, the breeze kicks it back.

00:37:14 Ed Wasson

This way you're going to catch some of that spray mist, and you're actually going to partially breed it in, and you are going to get nest.

00:37:22 Ed Wasson

Uh, that's the main thing we had when I was a cop, was the.

00:37:25 Ed Wasson

Spray mist, yeah, and.

00:37:27 Ed Wasson

I would say in three years as a cop.

00:37:30 Ed Wasson

I use 2.

00:37:31 Ed Wasson

Whole canisters of that I pepper sprayed somebody probably.

00:37:35 Ed Wasson

Once a month.

00:37:36 Ed Wasson

Generally just painted their face orange because they were usually hopped up on methamphetamine.

00:37:41 Ed Wasson

And yeah, first.

00:37:42 Ed Wasson

5 to 10 seconds.

00:37:44 Ed Wasson

They just start floundering on the ground like a fish out.

00:37:48 Ed Wasson

Of water like.

00:37:49 Ed Wasson

The gel or foam you spray that and.

00:37:54 Ed Wasson

What happens is you get it on Milman, they're messed up for a second, but then they.

00:37:59 Ed Wasson

Can kind of like scoop.

00:38:00 Ed Wasson

That stuff off in their hand and.

00:38:03 Ed Wasson

Whack him back at you.

00:38:04 Ed Wasson

Yeah, I've seen that happen, but pepper spray is almost like the rule of a knife fight if.

00:38:09 Ed Wasson

You get in a.

00:38:10 Ed Wasson

Knife fight you're gonna get cut if you use pepper spray you are going to catch some of the residual.

00:38:16 Ed Wasson

Run it no matter what.

00:38:17 Ed Wasson

Probably so that's why they pepper spray qualify you as a law enforcement officer and in the military.

00:38:22 Matt Marshall

An interesting way of of thinking of it, similar to a knife fight.

00:38:26 Matt Marshall

You gotta catch some of it.

00:38:27 Matt Marshall

I I only use the Sabre pepper.

00:38:29 Matt Marshall

Gel and I love that stuff.

00:38:31 Matt Marshall

I don't see how there's a way that they could swipe that stuff off of their face, although maybe it's possible, but I've played with it.

00:38:38 Matt Marshall

I have not.

00:38:40 Matt Marshall

Done the spray my own face or anything like.

00:38:42 Matt Marshall

That yet, but.

00:38:43 Matt Marshall

Maybe I'll record myself doing it and post.

00:38:45 Matt Marshall

It on on that YouTube or something.

00:38:48 Ed Wasson

The other thing too is I've got a.

00:38:49 Ed Wasson

Pepper spray canister don't.

00:38:51 Ed Wasson

Look where I even got this from, but I'm gonna guess it's gotta be at least 10 years old.

00:38:59 Ed Wasson

I don't know what the shelf life of it is, so every year it's about time for me to do it again.

00:39:05 Ed Wasson

I go out in the backyard and I.

00:39:07 Ed Wasson

Just do a little bit of it's.

00:39:08 Ed Wasson

About an 8 ounce canister.

00:39:10 Ed Wasson

So I just make sure it's still working.

00:39:12 Ed Wasson

Number one that it actually sprays anything out.

00:39:15 Ed Wasson

But #2

00:39:17 Ed Wasson

In just a second or two after you do that, you have to make sure you're turned away from the wind so it's going.

00:39:23 Ed Wasson

To blow it away but.

00:39:24 Ed Wasson

You'll still be able to smell.

00:39:26 Ed Wasson

It and you'll be like, yeah.

00:39:27 Ed Wasson

That stuff is still effective.

00:39:29 Ed Wasson

The last time I did it last year we were in the backyard and I told Liz I was like hey don't come back here for a few minutes 'cause I'm going to test this.

00:39:40 Ed Wasson

Like 2 houses down in the backyard.

00:39:43 Ed Wasson

There are some kids jumping up on the trip playing in the backyard and I didn't spray it.

00:39:49 Ed Wasson

In their direction.

00:39:50 Ed Wasson

I thought the way it was going.

00:39:51 Ed Wasson

The other way, but I.

00:39:51 Ed Wasson

Spend like OK, yeah that works and like 10.

00:39:54 Ed Wasson

Seconds later, everybody over.

00:39:55 Matt Marshall

Here, like what happened, reminds me of.

00:39:57 Matt Marshall

The old mud ball throwing events.

00:40:00 Matt Marshall

Where we?

00:40:00 Ed Wasson

Oh no.

00:40:01 Matt Marshall

Get in trouble and run back inside the.

00:40:03 Speaker 1

House hide hide quick you know it's.

00:40:06 Ed Wasson

Probably left a lasting impression on.

00:40:09 Ed Wasson

Mike looks like Mike remembers like we come running in the back door and we hide under the bed like.

00:40:16 Speaker 1

Somebody is going to be coming back and I'm in the door pretty soon.

00:40:19 Speaker 1

So we're not.

00:40:21 Ed Wasson

Sure enough, might accept the front door going.

00:40:24 Ed Wasson

No, ain't nobody here but me I don't.

00:40:26 Ed Wasson

Know what you're talking about.

00:40:29 Matt Marshall

Oh, that's terrible good old times, Yep alright well, hey, what do you?

00:40:34 Matt Marshall

Say we head into parting shots, I'm gonna.

00:40:36 Matt Marshall

Let you go ahead and go first this time.

00:40:39 Ed Wasson

Alright, for parting shots my thoughts are.

00:40:43 Ed Wasson

A go bag is essential.

00:40:46 Ed Wasson

It's a key and essential element or ingredient for your overall preparedness.

00:40:50 Ed Wasson

You want this go bag.

00:40:52 Ed Wasson

In case you have to bug out and you want to have it tooled to where it can also be a get home safe back, whatever you've got, it can be pretty small.

00:41:02 Ed Wasson

It can be every day.

00:41:03 Ed Wasson

Carrie, you gotta think about things, research things, find out what's best for you, find out what's legal in your jurisdictions, and have.

00:41:11 Ed Wasson

What you consider to be the things you mostly need in there, it can be as little as £5 or so of stuff that you can carry in your hand, and it gives me £35 of stuff.

00:41:20 Ed Wasson

Whatever you can grab and get out right away that can keep you alive for at least 72 to 96 hours. You got a little bit of food in there. A little bit of water or water.

00:41:30 Ed Wasson

Collection stuff in there.

00:41:33 Ed Wasson

Keep yourself warm and dry shelter building if you need it, 'cause you may be in your vehicle when you bug out or whatever.

00:41:39 Ed Wasson

First aid.

00:41:39 Ed Wasson

In case anybody's hurt all those little kind of things.

00:41:44 Ed Wasson

Just in case, I think.

00:41:47 Ed Wasson

Almost everybody that gets in a car and.

00:41:50 Ed Wasson

Has to drive.

00:41:51 Ed Wasson

Any more than five miles to and from work.

00:41:54 Ed Wasson

You should have some kind of go bag and you should have a go bag for your vehicle as well.

00:41:59 Ed Wasson

Your vehicle should be equipped with a flat tire, changing equipment, jumper cables, and at least a small tool kit that you can maybe.

00:42:10 Ed Wasson

Do minor repairs to your vehicle which you need to do that kind of stuff so those are my parting thoughts is consider having a go bag bug out bag or a git pull safe bag.

00:42:23 Ed Wasson

Just to carry for everyday carry type purposes for your own personal safety, security, resilience and preparedness.

00:42:33 Matt Marshall

Absolutely, that's excellent information.

00:42:35 Matt Marshall

So for my parting shot today, I wanted to focus more on the fitness side of things as well, because having the go bag.

00:42:43 Matt Marshall

Having a get home safe kit in your vehicle?

00:42:47 Matt Marshall

Like you said, it's tantamount to everything, but if you don't know anything about what's in it and you don't have the physical capability to carry it any.

00:42:57 Matt Marshall

Type of distance.

00:42:58 Matt Marshall

Then it's going to be very difficult for you to make that decision.

00:43:01 Matt Marshall

Am I going to be able to carry this bag with me?

00:43:04 Matt Marshall

Am I going to have the ability to make it any great distance?

00:43:09 Matt Marshall

Safely and so fitness, I think is a big part of what we're trying to get across in the show today.

00:43:16 Matt Marshall

Ed brought up some great points earlier on in the discussion today around the.

00:43:22 Matt Marshall

Different types of regimen that he follows.

00:43:25 Matt Marshall

Different regimen that I follow now it can be your own regimen, but just have something that you do on a regular basis.

00:43:32 Matt Marshall

I think that's important.

00:43:33 Matt Marshall

It has to include muscle building has to include some cardio and that personally I think the ability to.

00:43:40 Matt Marshall

Walk for grand larger distances anywhere between three and 10 miles as AD.

00:43:46 Matt Marshall

Put it earlier.

00:43:47 Matt Marshall

Very, very helpful because it'll also teach you what sort of shoes you need to keep with you or keep available in a bug out bag so those are the the key points I wanted to get across.

00:43:58 Matt Marshall

Well, add a very cool and useful show, I feel like.

00:44:01 Matt Marshall

I think for our audience as well, thanks to everyone for joining us today and we don't see you.

00:44:08 Matt Marshall

Good afternoon, good evening and good night.

00:44:11 Matt Marshall

This is Matt Marshall signing.

00:44:12 Ed Wasson

Off it was so.

00:44:14 Ed Wasson

Signing off make it a great day.

00:44:15 Ed Wasson

Guys stay prepared.